연수전문 고객센터문의

호프스트라 대학

국가검색 미국

학교평가 (4.5)

호프스트라 대학

Hofstra University

INTO program
사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 300명
  • 공항마중
  • 가능
  • 연락처
  • 516-463-3310
  • 팩스
  • 주소
  • Hofstra University 012 Memorial Hall 126 Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549 USA Programs

추천 포인트

  • 외곽도시
  • 홈스테이
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 대학 내 사립어학원
  • 조건부 대학입학 가능


  • - 맨하탄에서 불과 25마일 동쪽에 있는 뉴욕주 헴프스테드에 위치함.
    - 넓고 초록이 가득하며, 담쟁이 덩굴로 뒤덮인 건물이 있는 캠퍼스
    - 뉴욕 대도시권이 제공하는 모든 기회와 모험으로부터 단 몇 분 거리.

INTO program 관하여

  • 2006년도부터 INTO는수 천명의 국제 학생들이 미국에의 공부를 위한 첫 걸음을 뗄 수 있도록 최선을 다해 도와주었습니다. 미국의많은 상위 대학 캠퍼스에서 진행되는 INTO 프로그램은 국제 학생들에게 다양한 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램과집중 영어 프로그램을 제공합니다. 이 모든 프로그램은 학생들이 높은 성과를 이룰 수 있도록 편안한 교육환경에서 다양한 후원을 제공합니다. INTO에서 제공하는 프로그램에 참여하는 학생은 미국 대학에서의흥미로운 대학 생활을 즐길 수 있습니다. 학생들은 미국 대학에서 생활하고 공부하면서 미국인 학생들을포함한 여러 국제 학생들과 함께 친목을 쌓을 수 있으며 각 대학이 제공하는 학습 활동, 사회 활동, 그리고 문화활동에 활발하게 참여할 수 있습니다. INTO는 국제학생들이 미국에서 성공적으로 교육을 받거나 학위를 취득할 수 있도록 학생들을 철저하게 준비시켜줍니다. 또한학생들은 교육을 받음과 동시에 미국 대학의 친절함과 활기와 다양한 환경을 즐길 수 있습니다.

호프스트라 대학 관하여

  • Hofstra University 뉴욕시의 지적재산, 문화 전문 기회에 관심이 있지만 활기찬 캠퍼스 경험을 원하는 학생들에게 적합한 옵션입니다. 1935년에 설립된 이 도시는 뉴욕에서 불과 25마일 (40km) 떨어져있으며 대중교통을 이용하여 쉽게 접근할 있습니다. 240에이커에 달하는 아름다운 캠퍼스에는 현재 미국과 전세계의 학생들이 거주하고 있습니다. Hofstra 70개 국에서 1300명의 유학생들을 지원합니다. Hofstra University 145 이상의 학부 160 대학원 프로그램/인증서를 제공하며 100 이상의 복수전공 옵션을 제공합니다. 인기있는 학습분야로는 경영, 공학, 라디오, 텔레비전 영화 제작, 생물학, 심리학, 순수 예술 공연 예술, 세계 언어, 정치 과학 교사 준비가 있습니다. 거의 90% 학생들이 졸업 6개월 이내에 학업 전공과 관련된 경력을 쌓습니다. Hofstra 또한 뉴욕에서 가장 TV, 영화 라디오 제작 시설 하나이며 미국에서 유일하게 시뮬레이션 Bloomberg 주식 거래실 하나이며 120 권 규모의 도서관이 있으며 국가공인 박물관입니다. 또한 우리는 로스쿨의 본고장이며 미국에서 번째로 병원 시스템과 협력하여 구축된 뉴욕 최신 의과대학의 본거지입니다. 11,000 미만의 학생들이 Hofstra에 다니고 있으며 평균 학부 학급 규모는 21명이고, 학생 교수 비율은 13 1이며, 대학원생 교수 비율은 7:1 입니다. 학생들은 토론에 도전해야 합니다. 개방적이고 넓은 환경에서 비판적으로 질문하고, 연구하고, 토론하고, 생각합니다.


  • 최소 영어 요건 (IELTS 또는 TOEFL)을 충족하지 않아도 선택 프로그램을 시작하기 전에 본교의 영어 프로그램을 완료한 상태라면 선택한 프로그램에 조건부로 입학 할수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 수업포커스와 장점:
    아카데믹 영어 프로그램은 미국에서의대학 입학을 희망하는 학생들을 위해 디자인된 수업입니다. 이 프로그램은 학생들에게 읽기,쓰기, 말하기, 듣기와같은 전반적인 영어 실력을 향상시켜줌과 더불어 미국 대학에서의 성공적인 학습을 위한 전문적 기술에 대한 교육을 제공합니다. 이 프로그램을 성공적으로 완수하는 학생들은 INTO의 대학 진학패스웨이 프로그램에 참여할 수 있는 기회 혹은 미국 대학의 학사 학위 프로그램의 입학 기회가 제공됩니다.

    커리큘럼 :
    아카데믹 영어 프로그램은 학생들이 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램 또는 미국 대학의 학사 학위프로그램에 입학 할 수 있도록 도와주는 지름길입니다. 실력 있고 경험이풍부한 강사진들과 함께 학생들은심도 깊은 영어 수업을 받게 됩니다. 또한 학생들은 콜로라도 주립대 학생의 자격으로 캠퍼스의 모든 편의시설을사용할 수 있으며 여러 이벤트에 참여할 수 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 6가지의레벨로 나위어져 있으며 각 수업에 10명에서 15명의 학생이참여하게 됩니다. 모든 수업은 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기에 중점을 두며 학생들이 미국식 교육방식에 적응할 수있도록 도와줍니다.

프로그램 정보

수업 규모 12 Students 수업 기간 16, 32, 48 Weeks
수업 레벨 12 비자 정보 I-20 발행
최소 연령 16 숙박 옵션 홈스테이, 학교 내 기숙사/숙박


  • 특별히 없음

프로그램 일정

2025-01-27 2024-09-09
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 16, 32, 48주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
16 Week 32 Week 48 Week Week Week
(USD)$ 7,650 (USD)$ 15,270 (USD)$ 22,950
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설
16 weeks (USD)$ 9240


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Bachelor of Arts - Geology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Fine Arts - Painting
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Ecology and Evolution
    Bachelor of Science - Geology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Fine Arts - Photography
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Ecology and Evolution
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Fine Arts - Photography
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Ecology and Evolution
    Bachelor of Science - Health Science
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Fine Arts - Photography
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Marine Biology
    Bachelor of Arts - History
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Fine Arts - Sculpture-Industrial Design
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Marine Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering (Co-op)
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Fine Arts - Sculpture-Industrial Design
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Marine Biology
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Information Systems
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Fine Arts - Sculpture-Industrial Design
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental/Pre-Veterinary
    Bachelor of Business Administration - International Business
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - History/Literatur
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental/Pre-Veterinary
    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - History/Literature
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental/Pre-Veterinary
    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Sports Media
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - History/Literature
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Labor Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Jazz and Commercial Music
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Jazz and Commercial Music
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Legal Studies in Business
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Jazz and Commercial Music
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Arts
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Music Business
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Music Business
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Management
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Music Business
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Performance
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media and Culture
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Performance
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media, Law and Policy
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Performance
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Urban and Suburban Communication
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Theory/Composition
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematical Business Economics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Theory/Composition
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Business Economics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Music - Theory/Composition
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Urban Ecology
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematical Economics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Urban Ecology
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Finance
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Urban Ecology
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Urban Ecology
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Business
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Urban Ecology
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Actuarial Science
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Business
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Urban Ecology
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Applied Mathematics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Business
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Computer Science
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Film
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Chemistry
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Film
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Physics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Film
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Engineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - American Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Music
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - American Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Science - Music - History/Literature
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - American Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Music - Music Business
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Music - Performance
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Music - Jazz and Commercial Music
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Music - Theory/Composition
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - Archeology
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - Archeology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - Archeology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Environmental Resources
    Bachelor of Science - Philosophy
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Chinese
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Environmental Resources
    Bachelor of Science in Education - Physical Education
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Chinese
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Environmental Resources
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Chinese
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Chinese Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Chinese Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Chinese Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Pre-Medical Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Pre-Health - Pre-Medical Science
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Spanish
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Pre-Medical Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Pre-Medical Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Spanish
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Pre-Medical Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Spanish
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    1-Semesters Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Italian
    Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy and Public Service
    2-Semesters Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Italian
    Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations
    3-Semesters Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Italian
    Bachelor of Arts - Religion
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - German
    Bachelor of Arts - Jewish Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - German
    Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Political Communication
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - German
    Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Speech Communication
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Hebrew
    Bachelor of Arts - STEM
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Hebrew
    Bachelor of Science in Education - Secondary Education - Dance Education
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Hebrew
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - English Education
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Japanese
    Bachelor of Science in Education - Fine Arts Education
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Japanese
    Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Language Education - German
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Japanese
    Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Language Education - French
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Russian
    Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Language Education - Italian
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Russian
    Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Language Education - Russian
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Russian
    Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Language Education - Spanish
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Latin
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Mathematics Education
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Latin
    Bachelor of Science in Education - Music Education
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Latin
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Science Education - Biology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Japanese Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Science Education - Chemistry
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Japanese Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Science Education - Physics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - Japanese Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Science Education - Earth Science
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - French
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education - Social Studies Education
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - French
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Language Studies - French
    Bachelor of Arts - Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Bachelor of Arts - Sustainability Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainability Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Television Production and Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre Arts
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Classical Civilizations
    Bachelor of Arts - Urban Ecology
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Classical Civilizations
    Bachelor of Science - Urban Ecology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Classical Civilizations
    Bachelor of Science - Video/Television
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Classical Languages and Literatures
    Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Business
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Classical Languages and Literatures
    Bachelor of Science - Video/Television and Film
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Classical Languages and Literatures
    Bachelor of Arts - Women's Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Criminology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - African Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Criminology
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - African Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Criminology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - African Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood and Childhood Education
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Business Analytics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood and Childhood Education
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Business Analytics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood and Childhood Education
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Business Analytics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Children's and Young Adult Literature
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Children's and Young Adult Literature
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Children's and Young Adult Literature
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Creating Writing and Literature
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Information Systems
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Creating Writing and Literature
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Information Systems
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Creating Writing and Literature
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Information Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Literatures in English
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - International Business
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Literatures in English
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - International Business
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Literatures in English
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - International Business
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Publishing Studies and Literature
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Legal Studies in Business
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Publishing Studies and Literature
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Legal Studies in Business
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - English - Publishing Studies and Literature
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Legal Studies in Business
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Film Studies and Production
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Film Studies and Production
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Management
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Film Studies and Production
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Geography - Geographic Information Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Geography - Geographic Information Systems
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Geography - Geographic Information Systems
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Business Administration - Supply Chain Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Finance
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Finance
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Finance
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - History
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Audio and Radio Production and Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - History
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Audio and Radio Production and Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - History
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Audio and Radio Production and Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Labor Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Labor Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Labor Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Sports Media
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Sports Media
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Sports Media
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media and Culture
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media and Culture
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media and Culture
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media, Law and Policy
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media, Law and Policy
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Media, Law and Policy
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mathematical Business Economics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Urban and Suburban Communication
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mathematical Business Economics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Urban and Suburban Communication
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mathematical Business Economics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Mass Media Studies - Urban and Suburban Communication
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Television Production and Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Television Production and Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Television Production and Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Gaming and Graphics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Gaming and Graphics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Gaming and Graphics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy and Public Service
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Networking and Cybersecurity
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy and Public Service
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Networking and Cybersecurity
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy and Public Service
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Networking and Cybersecurity
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Religion
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Web and Mobile Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Religion
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Web and Mobile Engineering
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Religion
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science - Web and Mobile Engineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Political Communication
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Political Communication
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Political Communication
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Speech Communication
    Bachelor of Arts - African Studies
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Gaming and Graphics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Speech Communication
    Bachelor of Arts - American Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Gaming and Graphics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Rhetorical Studies - Speech Communication
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Gaming and Graphics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - STEM
    Bachelor of Arts - Athropology - Archeology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Networking and Cybersecurity
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - STEM
    Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Biochemistry
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Networking and Cybersecurity
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - STEM
    Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Computer Science
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Networking and Cybersecurity
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Engineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science and Cybersecurity
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science and Cybersecurity
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science and Cybersecurity
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Sustainability Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Athletic Training
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science and Mathematics
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Sustainability Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Audio and Radio Production and Studies
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science and Mathematics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Sustainability Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Computer Science and Mathematics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Women's Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Engineering Science - Biomedical
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Women's Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering - Bioelectricity
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Engineering Science - Biomedical
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Women's Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering - Biomechanics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Engineering Science - Biomedical
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Forensic Science
    Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering - Pre-Medicine
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Engineering Science - Production and Manufacturing
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Forensic Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Biology
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Engineering Science - Production and Manufacturing
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Forensic Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Biology - Cell and Molecular Biology
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Engineering Science - Production and Manufacturing
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Geographic Information Systems
    Bachelor of Arts - Biology - Ecology and Evolution
    1-Semester Pathway + -Bachelor of Engineering - Engineering Science - Biomedical
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Geographic Information Systems
    Bachelor of Arts - Biology - Marine Biology
    2-Semester Pathway + -Bachelor of Engineering - Engineering Science - Biomedical
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Geographic Information Systems
    Bachelor of Arts - Biology - Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental/Pre-Veterinary
    3-Semester Pathway + -Bachelor of Engineering - Engineering Science - Biomedical
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Business Economics
    Bachelor of Science - Biology
    1-Semester Pathway + -Bachelor of Engineering - Engineering Science - Civil
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Business Economics
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Cell and Molecular Biology
    2-Semester Pathway + -Bachelor of Engineering - Engineering Science - Civil
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Business Economics
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Ecology and Evolution
    3-Semester Pathway + -Bachelor of Engineering - Engineering Science - Civil
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Actuarial Science
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Marine Biology
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Actuarial Science
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental/Pre-Veterinary
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Actuarial Science
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Business Analytics
    3-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Business Economics
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering - Bioelectricity
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Chemistry<

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 홈스테이, 학교 내 기숙사/숙박


  • Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min PTE overall: 53
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

    1-Semester Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min PTE overall: 53
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    2-Semester Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 60
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5
    Min PTE overall: 44
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    3-Semester Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 50
    Min IELTS overall: 5
    Min PTE overall: 44
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

프로그램 일정

2025-01-02 2024-09-03
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 47,510
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Master of Science - Accounting
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Accounting
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Science - Biology
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Biology
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Business Analytics
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Science - Business Analytics
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Science - Engineering Management
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Finance
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Science - Finance
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Health Administration
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Health Services Management
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Science in Education - Higher Education and Leadership Policy Studies
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Science - Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - International Business
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Urban Ecology
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Science - Urban Ecology
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Sustainability
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Sports and Entertainment Management
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Science - Sports Science - Exercise Physiology
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Science - Sports Science - Strength and Conditioning
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Science - Quantitative Finance
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Quality Management
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Public Health
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Science - Medical Physics
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Science - Marketing Research
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Science - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$26,320.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration - Management
    TUITION FEE$35,290.00 USD

    Master of Science in Education - Languages Other Than English and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - Alternative Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - Business Law
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - Criminal Law
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - Health Law
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - Corporate Compliance
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - Intellectual Property Law
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - International Law
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Laws - American Legal Studies - Family Law
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Science - Health Informatics
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Creative Arts Therapy Counseling
    TUITION FEE$25,744.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Accounting
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Accounting
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Arts - Biology
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Arts - Biology
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Business Analytics
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Business Analytics
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Arts - Creative Arts Therapy Counseling
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Arts - Creative Arts Therapy Counseling
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Engineering Management
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Engineering Management
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Finance
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Finance
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Health Administration
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Health Administration
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Health Informatics
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Health Informatics
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science in Education - Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science in Education - Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Human Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Human Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Arts - Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Arts - Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science in Education - Languages Other Than English and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science in Education - Languages Other Than English and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science in Education - Literacy Studies (Birth-Grade 6 or Grades 5-12)
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science in Education - Literacy Studies (Birth-Grade 6 or Grades 5-12)
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Marketing Research
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Marketing Research
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Medical Physics
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Public Health
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Public Health
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Quantitative Finanace
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Quantitative Finanace
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Sports Science - Exercise Physiology
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Sports Science - Exercise Physiology
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway - Master of Arts - Sustainability
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway - Master of Arts - Sustainability
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

    1-Semester Pathway - Master of Arts - Urban Ecology
    TUITION FEE$20,400.00 USD

    2-Semester Pathway - Master of Arts - Urban Ecology
    TUITION FEE$35,400.00 USD

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 홈스테이, 학교 내 기숙사/숙박


  • Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min PTE overall: 53
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.
    Other test requirements: GMAT Test required
    Min GMAT requirement Min Total: 200.0

    1-Semester Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min PTE overall: 53
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    2-Semester Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 65
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5
    Min PTE overall: 44
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

프로그램 일정

2025-01-02 2024-09-03
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 25,744
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치


  • 농구 코트(s)
    컴퓨터 센터
    건강 센터
    라켓볼 / 스쿼시 코트
    수영장 (실내) 
    수영장 (야외) 
    테니스 코트(s)


  • 대다수의 학생들은 일본(30%), 대만(25%), 한국(20%)를 포함한 아시아 출신입니다. 중앙 아메리카(6%), 유럽(9%), 중동 국가 (4%) 출신의 학생들 역시 영어 실력 향상을 위해 ELS를 선택하였습니다.

공항에서 학교까지

  • 존 F. 케네디 국제공항 (JFK)
    라과디아 국제공항 (LGA)
    뉴어크 리버티 국제공항 (EWR)


FAQ 질문

Image 2018-01-26 16:18:06


Q: 想請問關於學校周邊環境問題,可以介紹一下週邊環境嗎? A: 您好,感謝您的來訊息詢問,關於學校附近的環境以下為您做個介紹。 ELS / NY-Hofstra位於紐約長島霍夫斯特拉大學校園,距離紐約市以東僅25英里。 ELS學生享受充滿活力的校園生活,有18家餐館和小吃店,6家劇院,綜合圖書館和每年數百個社會,學術和文化活動。 霍夫斯特拉大學在美國新聞與世界報導,普林斯頓評論,福布斯,菲斯克和許多其他國家被列為全美最佳學院之一。


2 건의 학교평가가 있습니다.
  • 수업 만족도

  • 평가 (4.5)
  • 학교시설, 분위기

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  • 강사진 및 학교 담당자 만족도

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  • 학외 활동 만족도

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  • 숙박시설 만족도

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  • 평균 평점

  • 평가 (4.5)

  • 수업 만족도

  • 평가 (5)
  • 학교시설, 분위기

  • 평가 (5)
  • 강사진 및 학교 담당자 만족도

  • 평가 (5)
  • 학외 활동 만족도

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  • 숙박시설 만족도

  • 평가 (5)
  • 평균 평점

  • 평가 (4.8)

Image 2018-01-26 16:20:36



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  • 수업 만족도

  • 평가 (4)
  • 학교시설, 분위기

  • 평가 (4)
  • 강사진 및 학교 담당자 만족도

  • 평가 (4)
  • 학외 활동 만족도

  • 평가 (5)
  • 숙박시설 만족도

  • 평가 (4)
  • 평균 평점

  • 평가 (4.2)

Image 2018-03-22 14:24:10




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