연수전문 고객센터문의

드폴 대학

국가검색 미국

학교평가 (0)

드폴 대학

DePaul University

할인 및 장학제도 3D보기 학교브로슈어보기 사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 22437명
  • 공항마중
  • 연락처
  • (312) 362-8000
  • 팩스
  • 주소
  • 1 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604

추천 포인트

  • 대도시
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 대학 프로그램
  • 조건부 대학입학 가능


  • - #랭킹 124위 미국 국립대학
    - #랭킹 97위 비지니스 전공 - 학부
    - #랭킹 52위 회계 전공 - 학부
    - #랭킹 19위 창업분야 전공 - 석사

드폴 대학 관하여

  • 드폴대학교는 1912년 설립된 Driehaus College of Business 에서 시작 되었습니다.
     미국에서는 10번째로 가장 오래된 비지니스 스쿨이며 비지니스 석사 과정을 제공하는 Kellstasdt 경어 대학원 KGSB에서는 경쟁력있는 MBA 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다.


  • 조건부입학 가능합니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 집중영어프로그램 IEP는 5단계로 구성이 되어 있으며 주18시간 영어 수업을 제공하고 있습니다.

    대학수업 참여 가능레벨

    기초레벨 수업 역시 최소 200-400개정도의 영어 단어를 사용 및 의미 이해가 가능한 학생들을 위한 프로그램입니다.
    프로그램은 한 레벨10주로 구성이 되어 있습니다. 수업은 9시30분 부터 시작되면 오후 3시30분까지는 월-목으로 구성이 되어 있고
    매시간 15분 휴식 시간이 있습니다. 금요일에는 수업이 없고 일부 엑티비티 클럽 등의 활동이 제공됩니다.

프로그램 정보

수업 규모 10 Students 수업 기간 10, 20, 30 Weeks
수업 레벨 5 비자 정보 I-20 발행
최소 연령 18 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박


  • 특별히 없음

프로그램 일정

2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-06-17
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 10, 20, 30주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (USD)$ 80
학 비
10 Week 20 Week 30 Week Week Week
(USD)$ 3,595 (USD)$ 7,190 (USD)$ 10,785
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 경영학 MBA
    • 사고 리더, 숙련 된 실무자 및 컨설턴트로부터 비즈니스 분석, 전략 개발, 비즈니스 기술 및 리더십 기술을 개발합니다.
    • 비즈니스 지구의 중심 인 시카고 루프 내에서 세계적 수준의 고용주 및 상인과 연결
    • 12 : 1 학생 대 교수 비율
    • 공부를위한 두 가지 옵션 :
    • 풀 타임 코호트 : 초기 경력 전문가 및 경력 변화를 원하는 사람들에게 이상적입니다. 코스는 월요일부터 목요일까지 낮 동안 제공됩니다 (약 15 개월).
    • 저녁 파트타임 : 2 년 이상의 경력을 가진 전문가를 위해 설계되었습니다. 코스는 주중 저녁에 제공되며 핵심 코스는 온라인으로 제공됩니다 (약 21 개월).

    사용 가능한 농도
    • 회계
    • 비즈니스 분석
    • 맞춤 MBA
    • 금융
    • 환대 리더십
    • 관리
    • 마케팅
    • 부동산 금융 및 투자
    • 응용 경제학
    • 비즈니스 전략 및 의사 결정
    • 기업가 정신
    • 의료 시장 및 분석
    • 국제 비즈니스
    • 경영 정보 시스템
    • 마케팅 전략 및 계획
    • 전략, 실행 및 평가

    졸업생들은 BMO Financial Group, Ernst & Young, McDonald 's Corporation, TMP Worldwide 및 Walgreens에서 근무합니다.
    MBA 졸업생의 97 %가 졸업 후 6 개월 이내에 취업, 교육을 계속하거나 다른 목표를 추구합니다.
    학위 수료 6 개월 후 MBA 졸업생은 $ 85,000 평균 급여로 받아오고 있습니다.

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 70 (Min Reading: 20.0, Min Writing: 20.0, Min Listening: 20.0, Min Speaking: 20.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 7 (Min Reading: 6.5, Min Writing: 6.5, Min Listening: 6.5, Min Speaking: 6.5)
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6

프로그램 일정

2025-01-06 2024-06-17
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 34,560
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Bachelor of Arts - Criminology
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Criminology $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Criminology $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Bachelor of Arts - Economics $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Economics $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Business - Economics
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Bachelor of Science - Business - Economics $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business - Economics $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - English
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - English $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - English $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - French
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - French $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - French $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Geography $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Geography $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - German
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - German $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - German $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - History
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - History of Art and Architecture
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History of Art and Architecture $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History of Art and Architecture $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - International Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - International Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Islamic World Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Islamic World Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Islamic World Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Italian
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Italian $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Italian $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Japanese Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Japanese Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Japanese Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Latino Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Latino Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Latino Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Political Science $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Political Science $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Sociology $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Sociology $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Spanish $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Spanish $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Writing and Rhetoric
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Writing and Rhetoric $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Writing and Rthetoric $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Business - Actuarial Science
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business - Actuarial Science $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business - Actuarial Science $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Astrophysics
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Astrophysics $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Astrophysics $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry (College of Science and Health)
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry (College of Science and Health) $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry (College of Science and Health) $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry $41,971.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Data Science
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Data Science $41,971.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Sciences - Health Sciences $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Sciences
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Sciences $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Sciences $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics and Computer Science (College of Science and Health)
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematics and Computer Science (College of Science and Health) $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematics and Computer Science (College of Science and Health) $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Bachelor of Science - Physics $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physics $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Psychology $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Psychology $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Music
    Bachelor of Music - Composition
    Bachelor of Music - Jazz Studies
    Bachelor of Music - Music Education
    Bachelor of Music - Performing Arts Management
    Bachelor of Science - Performing Arts Management
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Costume Design
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Costume Technology
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Lighting Design
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Scene Design
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Sound Design
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Stage Management
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre Technology
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Acting
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Comedy Arts
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramaturgy/Criticism
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Playwriting
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre Arts
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theartre Management
    Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Middle Grades Education
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Middle Grades Education $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Middle Grades Education $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Physical Education
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physical Education $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physical Education $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Secondary Education $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Special Education
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Special Education $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Special Education $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Chinese
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Chinese $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Chinese $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - French
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - French $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - French $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - German
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - German $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - German $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Italian
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Italian $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Italian $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Japanese
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Japanese $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Japanese $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Spanish
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Spanish $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Language Education - Spanish $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - African and Black Diaspora Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - African and Black Diaspora Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - African and Black Diaspora Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - American Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - American Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - American Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Applied Diplomacy
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Applied Diplomacy $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Applied Diplomacy $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Business - Economics
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Arabic Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Arabic Studies $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - English
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Art $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Art $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Art, Media and Design
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Art, Media, and Design $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Art, Media, and Design $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art, Media and Design
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art, Media, and Design $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art, Media, and Design $48,151.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Catholic Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Chinese Studies
    3-Quarter Pathway (Standard GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Chinese Studies $41,971.00 USD
    4-Quarter Pathway (Extended GGP) - Undergraduate - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Chinese Studies $48,151.00 USD

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박


  • 학사다이렉트
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 60.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6

    3-Quarter Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 78.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6

    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 78.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 55
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6

프로그램 일정

2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-06-17
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 40,551
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Master of Arts - Bilingual - Bicultural Education
    Master of Education - Curriculum Studies (Captstone)
    Master of Arts - Early Childhood Education
    Master of Education - Early Childhood Education
    Master of Arts - Educational Leadership
    Master of Education - Educational Leadership
    Master of Arts - Applied Diplomacy
    Master of Arts - Arabic
    Master of Arts - Chinese
    Master of Arts - Critical Ethnic Studies
    Master of Arts - English
    Master of Arts - French
    Master of Arts - German
    Master of Arts - History
    Master of Science - International Public Service
    Master of Arts - Italian
    Master of Arts - Japanese
    Master of Nonprofit Management
    Master of Public Administration
    Master of Public Health
    Master of Public Policy
    Master of Science - Public Service Management
    Master of Science - Regugee and Force Migration Studies
    Master of Social Work
    Master of Arts - Sociology
    Master of Arts - Spanish
    Master of Arts - Sustainable Urban Development
    Master of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    Master of Arts - Writing and Publishing
    Master of Arts - Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse
    Master of Science - Applied Mathematics
    Master of Arts - Applied Statistics
    Master of Arts - Biological Sciences - Biology
    Master of Science - Biological Sciences - Biology
    Master of Arts - Clinical Psychology & PhD - Clinical Psychology
    Master of Arts - Psychology - Community & PhD - Psychology
    Master of Arts - Psychology - Industrial/Organizational & PhD - Psychology (College of Science and Health)
    Master of Arts - Psychological Science & PhD - Psychological Science
    Master of Arts - Psychology - Industrial/Organizational & PhD - Psychology
    Master of Science - Environmental Science
    Master of Arts - Mathematics Education (Accelerated)
    Master of Science - Mathematics for Teaching
    Master of Science - Pure Mathematics
    Master of Science - Science Education
    Master of Music - Composition
    Master of Music - Jazz Studies
    Master of Music - Music Education
    Master of Music - Music Performance
    Master of Fine Arts - Acting
    Master of Fine Arts - Arts Leadership
    Master of Fine Arts - Directing

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박


  • 특별히 없음

프로그램 일정

2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-06-17
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 20,960
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치

숙박 옵션

  • DePaul University 주택 정보
    시카고 대학 센터 (UCC) 및 식사 계획
    UCC 정보
    • DePaul Loop 캠퍼스 주변의 대형 주택 및 식당 단지
    • 학부 학생들에게 필요한 숙소
    • 대학원생을위한 선택 숙소
    • 4 개의 지역 대학 학생들을위한 기숙사 역할을합니다.
    • 모든 유틸리티 포함 (난방, 공기, 케이블, 지역 전화 및 인터넷 액세스)
    • 각 학생은 싱글 침대, 의자가있는 책상, 옷장이 있습니다.
    • 쿼드 세미 스위트 : 유닛 당 2 명의 거주자, 2 명이 하나의 욕실을 공유합니다.
    • 세미 스위트 디럭스 더블 : 한 방에 거주자 2 명이 욕실을 공유합니다.
    • 개인 실 : 한 명의 거주자가 개인 실과 ​​개인 욕실이 있습니다.

    • UCC는 학생들을 위한 식사 서비스를 제공합니다.다 !!
    • UCC에 거주하는 학생들은 식사 계획을 구매해야합니다.
    • 스위트 룸에 거주하는 학생들은 분기당 기본 ($ 1,088) 또는 표준 플랜 ($ 1,404)을 선택해야합니다.


  • 시카고의 두 캠퍼스 위치
    루프 캠퍼스 링컨 파크 캠퍼스
    The Loop는 시카고에서 가장 큰 비즈니스 시카고 도시의 중심부에 있습니다.
    미시간 호수에서 한 블록 이내, 시카고 무역위원회 Art Institute에있는 Edward Hopper의 "Nighthawks"링컨 파크 캠퍼스에서 8km (5 마일), 클라우드 게이트 (일명 "The Bean")에서 1km위치
    • 글로벌 게이트웨이 프로그램
    • 경영 대학
    • 컴퓨팅 및 디지털 미디어 대학
    • 법과 대학
    • 평생 및 전문 연구 학교
    • 커뮤니케이션 대학

    Lincoln Park 캠퍼스는 부티크 쇼핑, 멋진 레스토랑, 라이브 음악 및 미시간 호수에 접해있는 큰 공원이 위치하여 있는 부근에 위치하여 있습니다.
    DePaul Loop Campus에서 8km (5 마일)
    • Thư viện
    • 학생 회관
    • Ray Meyer 피트니스 센터
    • 커뮤니티 가든

    • 사범 대학
    • 인문 사회 과학 대학
    • 과학 및 보건 대학
    • 음악 학교
    • 극장 학교


  • University Career Center
    • 상담 서비스, 네트워킹 이벤트, 취업 박람회 및 워크숍 제공
    • 다음을위한 직업 기술 워크숍 주최
    • 이력서 및 자기 소개서 작성
    • 네트워킹
    • 인터뷰
    • 일대일 상담제공 유학생 진로 지원 기술 및 디자인 경력 커뮤니티 고문
    • 전공에 상관없이 유학생에게 진로지도 제공
    • 전문적인 준비, 이력서 / 커버 레터 도움말, 직업 및 인턴십 검색 전략, 인터뷰 기술 및 경력 탐색에 대한 정보

    Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK)
    • 진로 옵션을 탐색하고, DePaul에서 생활을 탐색하거나, 전문 네트워크를 확장하기 위해 노력할 때 통찰력을 제공 할 수있는 진로 멘토 역할을하는 졸업생 네트워크
    UIP 220 : 유학생 : 직업 및 인턴십 검색 전략
    • 고유 한 문제를 해결하는 2 학점 과정
    직업 / 인턴십 검색에서 얼굴


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