연수전문 고객센터문의

오레곤 주립 대학

국가검색 미국

학교평가 (4.8)

오레곤 주립 대학

Oregon State University (OSU)

3D보기 학교브로슈어보기 사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 120명
  • 공항마중
  • Yes
  • 연락처
  • 541-737-2464
  • 팩스
  • 541-737-0871
  • 주소
  • Oregon State University INTO OSU 301 Snell Hall Corvallis , OR , 97331-1632 , U.S.A.

추천 포인트

  • 외곽도시
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 학교 밖 숙박시설
  • 대학 프로그램
  • 조건부 대학입학 가능


  • - 미국의 여러 개 주와 100개국 이상의 나라에서 모인 학생들과 함께 생활하고 배우고 즐길 수 있습니다.
    - 대학교의 학위 프로그램 입학을 위한 학점을 이수할 수 있습니다.
    - 오레곤 주립대학교의 대학진학 패스웨이 프로그램에 참여한 학생들 중 95%는 오레곤 주립대학의 학위 프로그램에 입학하였습니다.


  • 2006년도부터 INTO는 수 천명의 국제 학생들이 미국에의 공부를 위한 첫 걸음을 뗄 수 있도록 최선을 다해 도와주었습니다. 미국의 많은 상위 대학 캠퍼스에서 진행되는INTO 프로그램은 국제 학생들에게 다양한 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램과 집중 영어 프로그램을 제공합니다. 이 모든 프로그램은 학생들이 높은 성과를 이룰 수 있도록 편안한 교육 환경에서 다양한 후원을 제공합니다. INTO에서 제공하는 프로그램에 참여하는 학생은 미국 대학에서의 흥미로운 대학 생활을 즐길 수 있습니다. 학생들은 미국 대학에서 생활하고 공부하면서 미국인 학생들을 포함한 여러 국제 학생들과 함께 친목을 쌓을 수 있으며 각 대학이 제공하는 학습 활동, 사회 활동, 그리고 문화활동에 활발하게 참여할 수 있습니다. INTO는 국제 학생들이 미국에서 성공적으로 교육을 받거나 학위를 취득할 수 있도록 학생들을 철저하게 준비시켜줍니다. 또한 학생들은 교육을 받음과 동시에 미국 대학의 친절함과 활기와 다양한 환경을 즐길 수 있습니다.

오레곤 주립 대학 관하여

  • 오레곤 주립 대학 (OSU)은 코 밸리 스, 오리건, 미국에 위치한 남녀 공학, 공공 연구 대학입니다. 대학은 대학교, 대학원, 박사 학위와 연구 기회들을 제공합니다. 대학을 통한 200개 이상의 학위 프로그램이 있습니다. 미생물학, 원자력 공학, 생태, 임업, 보건, 생화학, 동물학, 해양학, 식품 과학 및 약국의 OSU 프로그램은 상위 계층 프로그램으로 전국적으로 인정 받고 있습니다. OSU의 교양 프로그램은 크게 성장하고 부서는 기관의 "초석"으로 간주 됩니다. 20 만명 이상의 사람들은 창립 후 OSU에 참석하였습니다. 카네기 재단은 연구 기관의 상위 계층의 일부로 오레곤 주립 대학을 분류합니다. 2008년 이후, OSU는 73개 토지 부역 대학교 중 하나 입니다. 두개의 미국 학교 중 하나가 네 개인 바다 보조금, 공간 부여 및 태양 부여 기관으로 인식 되었습니다. 오레곤에 있는 다른 공립 교육 기관보다 오레곤 주립 대학교는 연구의 더 많은 자금을 받습니다.  


  • 대학의 학업 및 금융 요구 사항을 충족하지만 최소 레벨 테스트 요구 사항을 충족 하지 않은 지원자들은 조건부 입학에 제공됩니다. OSU의 집중 영어 프로그램 (INTO OSU) 을 통하여 학생들이 교육 과정을 받는 동안 언어 능력을 향상 할수 있게 도와 줍니다. INTO OSU 비즈니스 학부 통로는 OSU에서 2년 경영 예과 과정을 이르게 합니다. 2년이 끝날 때, 자격을 갖춘 학생들은 비즈니스 학위 프로그램의 상위 부분에 입학하기 위해 경쟁합니다. 

프로그램 설명

  • 수업 포커스와 장점 : 
    아카데믹 영어 프로그램은 미국에서의 대학 입학을 희망하는 학생들을 위해 디자인된 수업입니다. 이 프로그램은 학생들에게 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기, 듣기와 같은 전반적인 영어 실력을 향상시켜줌과 더불어 미국 대학에서의 성공적인 학습을 위한 전문적 기술에 대한 교육을 제공합니다. 이 프로그램을 성공적으로 완수하는 학생들은 INTO의 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램에 참여할 수 있는 기회 혹은 미국 대학의 학사 학위 프로그램의 입학 기회가 제공됩니다. 

    커리큘럼 : 
    아카데믹 영어 프로그램은 학생들이 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램 또는 미국 대학의 학사 학위 프로그램에 입학 할 수 있도록 도와주는 지름길입니다. 실력 있고 경험이풍부한 강사진들과 함께 학생들은 심도 깊은 영어 수업을 받게 됩니다. 또한 학생들은 콜로라도 주립대 학생의 자격으로 캠퍼스의 모든 편의시설을 사용할 수 있으며 여러 이벤트에 참여할 수 있습니다. 이 프로그램은6가지의 레벨로 나위어져 있으며 각 수업에10명에서 15명의 학생이 참여하게 됩니다.모든 수업은 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기에 중점을 두며 학생들이 미국식 교육방식에 적응할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 

    수업시간 : 
    프로그램에 따라 수업 스케줄이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 정보

수업 규모 15 Students 수업 기간 11, 22, 33 Weeks
수업 레벨 6 레벨 비자 정보 I-20 발행
최소 연령 18 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 특별히 없음

프로그램 일정

2026-01-02 2025-09-17 2025-06-18
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 11, 22, 33주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
11 Week 22 Week 33 Week Week Week
(USD)$ 5,750 (USD)$ 11,500 (USD)$ 17,250
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 수업 포커스 : 
    대학진학 패스웨이 프로그램은 미국의 상위 대학에 입학을 희망하는 학생들을 위해 디자인된 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램을 성공적으로 완수한 학생들에게는 미국 상위 대학의 학위 프로그램에 2학년으로 편입할 수 있는 기회가 주어집니다. 이 수업을 통해 학생들은 전반적인 영어 실력을 향상시키게 되며 미국 대학에서의 성공적인 학습을 위한 학문적인 지식을 쌓게 됩니다. 

    수업목표, 장점 : 
    대학진학 패스웨이 프로그램을 성공적으로 완수한 학생들에게는 미국 대학교의 학위 프로그램에 2학년으로 편입할 수 있는 기회가 주어집니다.
     - 미국인 학생들을 포함한 여러 나라 출신의 국제학생들과 함께 생활하고 공부하고 교류할 수 있습니다. 
    - 자신이 선택한 학위 프로그램에서 원하는 과목의 대학 레벨의 수업을 들을 수 있으며 편입 또는 입학을 위한 학점도 함께 이수할 수 있습니다. 
    - 전반적인 영어 실력을 향상 시킬 수 있습니다.
     - 미국 대학의 교육 환경과 대학 생활을 경험하고 익숙해 질 수 있습니다. 

    커리큘럼 : 
    대학진학 패스웨이 프로그램에 참여하는 학생들 중 우수한 성적을 내는 학생들에게는 미국 대학의 학위 프로그램으로의 입학 또는 2학년으로의 편입 기회를 제공합니다. INTO는 미국의 여러 상위 대학들과 네트워크를 형성하고 있으며 이 학교들은 도시에 위치한 대형 학교 또는 시골에 위치한 소규모의 학교 등 여러 종류의 학교를 포함합니다. INTO의 프로그램은 그 동안 학생들에게 품질 있는 교육과 후원을 제공함으로써 학생들의 학문적 성과를 위해 헌신해왔습니다. 이 프로그램은 비즈니스와 매니지먼트,컴퓨터 공학, 과학, 기술 공학, 사회 복지,미술, 인류학 등을 포함한 여러 종류의 교육을 제공합니다. 모든 프로그램은 한가지 레벨로 통합되어 있으며 18세 이상의 학생만 이 프로그램에 참여할 수 있습니다. 

    수업시간 :
     프로그램에 따라 수업 스케줄이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 정보

수업 규모 18 Students 수업 기간 12, 24, 36 Weeks
수업 레벨 1 레벨 비자 정보 I-20 발행
최소 연령 18 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 고등학교졸업 2.5+ GPA; TOEFL 60+ (iBT), 500 (PBT), IELTS 5.5

프로그램 일정

2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 12, 24, 36주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
15 Week 30 Week 45 Week Week Week
(USD)$ 12,390 (USD)$ 24,780 (USD)$ 37,170
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    Bachelor of Arts - Speech Communication (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Speech Communication
    Bachelor of Science - Speech Communication (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Speech Communication
    Bachelor of Arts - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Women and Gender Studies (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Architectural Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Architectural Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Architectural Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Bioengineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Bioengineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Bioengineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Chemical Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Chemical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Chemical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    Bachelor of Arts - Civil Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Civil Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Construction Engineering Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Construction Engineering Management
    Bachelor of Science - Nuclear Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Construction Engineering Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Nuclear Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Radiation Health Physics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Radiation Health Physics
    Bachelor of Science - Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Forestry (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Digital Communication Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Forestry (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Digital Communication Arts
    Bachelor of Science - Forest Engineering (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Forestry (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Forest Engineering
    Dual Degree - Bachelor of Science - Forest Engineering & Civil Engineering (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Fine Arts - Digital Communication Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Dual Degree - Bachelor of Science - Forest Engineering & Civil Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Economics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Women and Gender Studies (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Women and Gender Studies (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Biophysics
    Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Biophysics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Science - BioHealth Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - English
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Ethnic Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Ethnic Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - French
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - German
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design
    Bachelor of Science - Biology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Liberal Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Music
    Bachelor of Science - Rangeland Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Rangeland Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Music
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural and Food Business Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Agricultural and Food Business Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Agricultural and Food Business Management
    4-Semester General Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - General
    Bachelor of Science - Animal Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Animal Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Animal Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Apparel Design (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Design, Apparel and Merchandising Management (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Apparel Design
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Design, Apparel and Merchandising Management (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Apparel Design
    Bachelor of Science - Bioresource Research
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Bioresource Research
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Bioresource Research
    Bachelor of Science - Botany
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Botany
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Botany
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Mathematics (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Crop and Soil Science
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Economics and Policy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Environmental Economics and Policy (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Economics and Policy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Environmental Economics and Policy (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Economics and Policy
    Bachelor of Science - Food Science and Technology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Food Science and Technology (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Food Science and Technology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Food Science and Technology (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Food Science and Technology
    Bachelor of Science - Horticulture
    Bachelor of Science - Microbiology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Philosophy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Horticulture
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Microbiology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Horticulture
    Bachelor of Science - Accountancy
    Bachelor of Science - Design and Innovation Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Accountancy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Design, Apparel and Merchandising Management (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Design and Innovation Management
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Design, Apparel and Merchandising Management (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Design and Innovation Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Bachelor of Science - Merchandising Management
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
    Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Merchandising Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Rangeland Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Merchandising Management
    Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Accountancy
    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Zoology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Zoology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - General Engineering (Freshmen only)
    Bachelor of Arts - Digital Communication Arts
    Bachelor of Science - Geography and Geospatial Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Digital Communication Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Geography and Geospatial Science
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Digital Communication Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Geography and Geospatial Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Science - Digital Communication Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Digital Communication Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Science - Economics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Economics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business Information Systems
    Bachelor of Arts - Creative Writing
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Business Information Systems
    Bachelor of Science - Interior Design (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Design, Apparel and Merchandising Management (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Interior Design (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Arts - Finance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Psychology (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Design, Apparel and Merchandising Management (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Interior Design (Pre-Major)
    Bachelor of Science - Forestry (Pre-Major)
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Forestry (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Forestry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Psychology (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Forestry (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Forestry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Marketing
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Public Policy (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources
    Bachelor of Science - Business Information Systems
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Public Policy (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    Bachelor of Science - Undeclared/University Exploratory Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business Information Systems
    Bachelor of Science - Renewable Materials
    Bachelor of Arts - Business Information Systems
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Renewable Materials
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Business Information Systems
    Bachelor of Arts - English
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural Resources and Renewable Materials (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Renewable Materials
    Bachelor of Science - Finance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - English
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    Bachelor of Arts - Finance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Arts - Finance
    Bachelor of Arts - Ethnic Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Anthropology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Ethnic Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Speech Communication
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Anthropology
    Bachelor of Science - Ethnic Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Anthropology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Ethnic Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Art
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Speech Communication
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Art
    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Management
    Bachelor of Arts - French
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Art
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - French
    Bachelor of Science - Art
    Bachelor of Arts - Management
    Bachelor of Arts - German
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Women and Gender Studies (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Art
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - German
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Art
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design (Pre-Major)
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    Bachelor of Arts - Marketing
    Bachelor of Arts - History
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Marketing
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Fine Arts - Digital Communication Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Bachelor of Science - History
    Bachelor of Music - Music Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Religious Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Religious Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Religious Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Liberal Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Liberal Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Construction Engineering Management
    Bachelor of Science - Nutrition
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Ecological Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Nutrition
    Bachelor of Arts - Music
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Nutrition
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Music
    Bachelor of Science - Public Health
    Bachelor of Science - Music
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Public Health
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Music
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Exercise and Sport Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Public Health
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - BioHealth Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - BioHealth Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Biological Data Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Manufacturing Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Construction Engineering Management
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Construction Engineering Management
    Bachelor of Science - Ecological Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Nuclear Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Ecological Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Radiation Health Physics
    Bachelor of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Forestry (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Forest Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Dual Degree - Bachelor of Science - Forest Engineering & Civil Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Mathematics (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Philosophy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Philosophy
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Microbiology
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Zoology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Psychology (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Psychology (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    3-Semester General Pathway + Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology - General
    Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Public Policy (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Public Policy (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    Bachelor of Science - Manufacturing Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (4-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Manufacturing Engineering

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 70
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    Min PTE overall: 48
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 50
    Min IELTS overall: 5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 75
    Min PTE overall: 41
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

프로그램 일정

2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 32,790
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Master of Science - Materials Science (a research-based degree)
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Mechanical Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Mechanical Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Athletic Training - Athletic Training
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Nuclear Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Nuclear Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Radiation Health Physics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Health Physics - Radiation Health Physics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Robotics (a research-based degree)
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Forestry - Forest Ecosystems and Society
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Forest Ecosystems and Society
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Biostatistics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Biostatistics (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Public Health - Biostatistics
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Global Health
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Global Health (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Public Health - Global Health
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Health Promotion and Health Behavior
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Health Promotion and Health Behavior (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Public Health - Health Promotion and Health Behavior
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biochemistry and Biophysics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Business Administration (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Business Administration
    TUITION FEE$14,920.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Chemical Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Civil Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Master of Science - Toxicology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Water Resources Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Wood Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master's International Direct - Graduate Pathway - Computer Science (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master's International Direct - Graduate Pathway - Electrical and Computer Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Electrical and Computer Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Environmental Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Master of Science - Chemistry
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Biostatistics (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Public Health - Biostatistics
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Global Health (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Public Health - Global Health
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Applied Anthropology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Mathematics (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Applied Ethics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Mathematics (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Microbiology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Physics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Physics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Statistics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Education - College Student Services Administration
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Statistics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - College Student Services Administration
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Fine Arts - Creative Writing
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Comparative Health Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Comparative Health Sciences (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Comparative Health Sciences
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies - Interdisciplinary Studies
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Industrial Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Industrial Engineering
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Business Administration (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Business Administration
    TUITION FEE$29,840.00 USD
    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Business Administration
    TUITION FEE$38,580.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Business Administration (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Business Administration
    TUITION FEE$38,910.00 USD
    Master of Arts - English
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Environmental Arts and Humanities
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Agricultural Education
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Chemical Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Geology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - History of Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - History of Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Industrial Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Industrial Engineering
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master of Science - Animal Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Applied Economics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Applied Economics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Mechanical Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Applied Economics (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Applied Economics
    TUITION FEE$30,900.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Applied Economics (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Applied Economics
    TUITION FEE$23,690.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Botany and Plant Pathology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Computer Science (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Science - Botany and Plant Pathology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Crop Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Education
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Fisheries Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Food Science and Technology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Horticulture
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Rangeland Ecology and Management
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science in Business
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Soil Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - M.S. Business (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science in Business
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Science - Wildlife Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - M.S. Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science in Business
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Environmental Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - M.S. Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science in Business
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Electrical and Computer Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Science - Environmental Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Professional Science - Environmental Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Environmental Sciences (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Professional Science - Environmental Sciences
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Environmental Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Professional Science - Environmental Sciences
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Environmental Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Environmental Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Professional Science - Environmental Sciences
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master of Science - Geology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Geography
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Marine Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Comparative Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Comparative Health Sciences
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Comparative Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Comparative Health Sciences
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master of Science - Water Resources Policy and Management
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Computer Science (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Master of Science - Water Resources Science
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Forestry - Sustainable Forest Management
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Industrial Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Sustainable Forest Management
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Industrial Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Industrial Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Arts in Teaching - Teaching
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Applied Anthropology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Applied Ethics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Human Development and Family Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Integrative Biology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Kinesiology
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Biological and Ecological Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Global Health (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Public Health - Global Health
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biological and Ecological Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Biochemistry and Biophysics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Bioengineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Bioengineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Public Policy - Public Policy
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Bioengineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering- Bioengineering
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Chemical Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Bioengineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering- Bioengineering
    TUITION FEE$24,040.00 USD
    Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Chemistry
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Materials Chemistry (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Chemistry
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Materials Chemistry (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Chemistry
    TUITION FEE$12,020.00 USD
    Master of Medical Physics - Medical Physics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Engineering - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Medical Physics
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway - Civil Engineering (3-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Engineering - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE$31,350.00 USD
    Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Sciences
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD
    Master of Science - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 USD

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80 (Min Reading: 18.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 18.0, Min Speaking: 18.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 110
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.
    Other test requirements: GRE Test required
    Min GRE requirement: ()

    Graduate Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 70
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 95
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

프로그램 일정

2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (USD)$ 85
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 29,700
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치

숙박 옵션

  • 홈스테이 
    홈스테이 프로그램은 호스트의 일상 생활을 체험하고 공유 또는 전용 침실 중 하나에서 가족의 일원으로 생활합니다. OSU는 유학생을 환영하는 엄선 된 홈스테이 호스트 패밀리의 네트워크를 가지고 있습니다. 

    국제 거실 학습 센터 
    학생들은 INTO OSU 프로그램, 교실, 강당을 수용하는 국제 거실 학습 센터, 글로벌 빌리지 학부 국제 · 국내 학생들을위한 주거 지역에 배치됩니다.  아름다운 다목적 환경 친화적 인 건물에는 커피 숍이 있고 현지 문화를 폭넓게 제공하고있는 시장에서 미국인 룸메이트 등과 OSU INTO 학생들이 교류 할 수 있습니다. 이 다양한 문화적 환경은 국제적인 경험을 쌓을 수 있으며 국제 학생들과 미국 학생들의 교류를 만들어 오고 있습니다.

    캠퍼스 주택 
    글로벌 빌리지는 국제 거실 학습 센터에서 학부생을 위한 독특한 주거 지역입니다. 글로벌 빌리지의 학생 생활하고 다양한 문화와 국적의 학생들과 교류합니다. 국제 · 국내 룸메이트, 문화 홀, On 서비스 학습 프로젝트 및 OSU의 교원과의 교류, 과외 활동 등의 프로그램이 있습니다. 

    교외 주택
    대학원 하우징 캠퍼스 하우징은 대학원 진학을 생각하는 모든 학생들에게 사용할 수 있습니다. 주택의 특징 : 아파트 스타일의 거실 : INTO OSU의 CenterA 3 도보 전용 욕실이 딸린 4 개의 침실, 공용 거실과 전체 주방 가구, 침실이 제공됩니다.


  • Corvallis는 사람들의 창의력과 재능이 전국적으로 인정된 역동적인 대학 커뮤니티 입니다. 학생들은 그들이 교수님들, 교실안과 밖의 동료학생과 일하는 것처럼 느낄 것입니다. Corvallis는 오레곤의 가장큰 도시와 문화적 센터인 포틀랜드에서 부터 차로 90분 (135km) 떨어져 있습니다. 시애틀, 샌프란시스코, 로스 앤젤레스 등 미국 서부 해안 도시는 비행기, 기차 또는 자동차로 쉽게 갈 수 있습니다. Corvallis는 상위 5번째 Forbes로 부터 미국의 Smartes 도시와 펄링의 최고의 장소의 마을에서 상위 10번째 대학교로 선정 되었습니다. 


  • 모든 층의 엘리베이터, 엘리베이터와 입구, 주거 직원 숙박 시설, 요리 및 식품 저장 시설, 라운지, 무료 셀프 서비스 세탁 시설, 침대, 스탠드와 완벽하게 꾸며진 객실과 공용, 주방 근처에 위치한 지정 휠체어 편의 객실, 책상, 램프, 침대 시트, 베개, 담요, 수건, 세수 수건, 무료 무선 인터넷, 케이블 TV 등의 리넨 패키지, 옷장


  • 학생들의 출신국가는 동양, 남미, 유럽, 중동 등을 포함합니다. 학생들의 출신국가 및 비율은 입학 시기에 따라 달라집니다.


FAQ 질문

Image 2018-11-30 15:45:43


Q: 想請問關於學校周邊環境問題,可以介紹一下週邊環境嗎? A: 您好,感謝您的來訊息詢問,關於學校附近的環境以下為您做個介紹。 科瓦利斯是一個充滿活力的社區大學,被全國公認人民具有聰明才智和創造力。學生將感到與教授和同學一起學習的氛圍。 從波特蘭到科瓦利斯是只需90分鐘車程(135公里),是俄勒岡州最大的城市和文化中心。可以乘坐飛機, 火車或汽車方便地到達西雅圖,舊金山,洛杉磯等美國西海岸城市。科瓦利斯被福布斯評為在美國五大最聰明的城市, 美國環境保護署稱其為#1綠色電力社區,由斯珀林評為前十名最佳大學城。


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Image 2018-11-30 15:46:52



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