연수전문 고객센터문의

웨스턴 켄터키 대학교

국가검색 미국

학교평가 (5)

웨스턴 켄터키 대학교

Western Kentucky University

할인 및 장학제도 사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 40-60명
  • 공항마중
  • 가능
  • 연락처
  • (270) 745-0111
  • 팩스
  • 주소
  • 1906 College Heights Boulevard Bowling Green, KY 42101

추천 포인트

  • 시골 지역
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 학교 밖 숙박시설
  • 대학 내 사립어학원
  • 조건부 대학입학 가능


  • - 웨스턴 켄터키 대학교는 전국적으로 인정받은 신문과 방송, 공학, 교육, 비즈니스 프로그램이 있고, 토론 팀과 데이터베이스 팀은 수상경력이 있습니다.
    - 학교는 미국에서 가장 아름다운 캠퍼스 중 하나라고 불리며, 볼링 그린이 내려다 보이는 언덕에 위치하고 있습니다.
    - WKU는 남부대학들 중에서 두 번째 계층으로써 계속 자리하고 있습니다.

웨스턴 켄터키 대학교 관하여

  • 웨스턴 켄터키 대학교는 인구 50,000명 인 켄터키주의 볼링 그린에 위치하여 있습니다. 이 도시는 재즈와 문화의 도시인 내쉬빌, 테네시에서 1시간 밖에 떨어져 있지 않습니다. 학교는 학문의 우수성으로 널리 알려져 있습니다. 수학 및 과학 프로그램, 교육, 엔지니어링 코스가 유명하며 미국 내에서는 물론 국제적으로도 인정받는 수준에서 인정받는 수준입니다. WKU는 학생들이 글로벌 사회의 생산자임과 동시에 참여자가 되도록 장려하며 사회적 책임감을 느낄 수 있는 리더를 키워 내기 위해 노력합니다. 또한 웨스턴 켄터키 대학교는 연구와 평생 학습의 기회를 제공합니다. WKU는 학생들의 삶을 풍요롭게 하기 위한 사명을 갖고 있습니다.


  • ESLi는 학생들에게 대학 학위 프로그램으로 진학할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 프로그램을 가지고 있습니다. TOEFL 또는 iELTS의 점수가 필요하지 않습니다. 프로그램을 성공적으로 마치고 학문적으로 자격을 갖춘 학생들에게는 ESLi 연계 대학에 입학할 수 있습니다. GMAT 또는 GRE 시험을 필요로 하지 않으며, 대신 Pre-University Level의 마지막 단계에서 시험을 봅니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Associate of Arts - Business (288) - Real Estate
    Associate of Science - Agriculture Technology and Management (205)
    Associate of Arts - Business (288) - Business Management
    Associate of Arts - Business (288) - Leadership
    Associate of Arts - Business (288) - Management Information Systems
    Associate of Arts - Business (288) - Office Management and Supervision
    Associate of Science - Dental Hygiene (226)
    Associate of Arts - Paralegal Studies (276)

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 71
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 61
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (USD)$ 75
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 27,144
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Bachelor of Science - Physics (754) - Physics Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Music (583) - Extended
    Bachelor of Science - Molecular Biotechnology (738)
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Agricultural Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology (760) - Forensic Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental and Occupational Health Science (548)
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology (760) - Sport Psychology
    Bachelor of Arts - Arabic (609) - Arabic for International Service
    Bachelor of Science - Finance (664) - Business Finance
    Bachelor of Arts - Arabic (609) - Arabic for Business
    Bachelor of Science - Finance (664) - Personal Financial Planning
    Bachelor of Arts - Arabic (609) - Arabic for Journalism
    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Studies (509) - Studio Art
    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Studies (509) - Art Education
    Bachelor of Arts - English (662) - Creative Writing
    Bachelor of Arts - English (662) - Literature
    Bachelor of Arts - English (662) - Professional Writing
    Bachelor of Music (593) - Instrumental Performance
    Bachelor of Music (593) - Vocal Performance
    Bachelor of Music (593) - Music Education - Instrumental
    Bachelor of Music (593) - Music Education - Vocal
    Bachelor of Music (593) - Music Education - Integrated
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing (720) - Marketing Sales
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing (720) - Strategic Marketing
    Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences (564) - Allied Health
    Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences (564) - Health Services Leadership and Management
    Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences (564) - Preparatory
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Agribusiness
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Agronomy Plant
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Agronomy Soil
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Animal Science
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Dairy Science
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - General
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Horse Science
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Horticulture
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Turf and Golf Course Management
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics (528) - Fundamentals of Analysis and Discrete Math
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics (528) - Fundamentals of Applied Math
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics (528) - Fundamentals of Math Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747) - Applied Psychological Science
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747) - Biobehavioral Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747) - Clinical Psychological Science
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747) - Cognitive Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747) - Developmental Science
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747) - Quantitative Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747) - Social Psychology
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Film Production (530)
    Bachelor of Arts - Music (583) - General - 2nd Major or Minor Required
    Bachelor of Science - International Business (569) - Global Supply Chain
    Bachelor of Science - International Business (569) - Global Trade and Economy
    Bachelor of Science - International Business (569) - International Management
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science (629) - Systems/Scientific Applications
    Bachelor of Science - Biology (525)
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (623) - ACS Approved
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Agriculture Systems
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology (608) - Archaeology
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Pre-Forestry Advisement
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology (608) - Biological Anthropology
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (508) - Pre-Veterinary Advisement
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology (608) - Cultural Anthropology
    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture (605) - Minor or 2nd Major Required
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics (728) - Minor or 2nd Major Required
    Bachelor of Arts - Arabic (609) - Arabic Language and Culture
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics (728) - Minor or 2nd Major Required - Teacher Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Asian Religions and Cultures (615)
    Bachelor of Science - Geological Sciences (5008) - Environmental Earth Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Chinese (624)
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (623) - Foundations
    Bachelor of Science - Communication Disorders (595)
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (623) - Teacher Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Dance (630)
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology (608) - Applied Anthropology
    Bachelor of Arts - Diversity and Community Studies (631)
    Bachelor of Arts - Arabic (609) - Teacher Education
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Performing Arts (588) - Theatre
    Bachelor of Arts - English for Secondary Teachers (561)
    Bachelor of Science - Physical Education (587) - Health Education
    Bachelor of Science - Physical Education (587) - Movement Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish (778) - Spanish Communication
    Bachelor of Science - Family and Consumer Sciences (563) - Family and Consumer Sciences Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish (778) - Spanish for Health Sciences and Health Care
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish (778) - Spanish for International Business
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish (778) - Spanish for Legal Professionals
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish (778) - Spanish Language and Culture
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish (778) - Spanish Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Social Studies (592)
    Bachelor of Science - Medical Laboratory Science (5004)
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental, Sustainability, and Geographic Studies (5009)
    Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (526) - Teacher Certification
    Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (526) - Non-Teacher Certification
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Arts
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Business
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Education
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Health
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Humanities
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Science
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Social and Behavioral Studies
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Technology
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Military Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism (736)
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Organization and Communication of Ideas
    Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations (763)
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Social Justice/Equity Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy (745)
    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (558) - Sustainability
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics (638)
    Bachelor of Science - Manufacturing Engineering Technology (5006)
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology (760)
    Bachelor of Science - Meteorology (578)
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre (798)
    Bachelor of Science - Middle Level Education in Social Studies and Language Arts (5001) - Language Arts
    Bachelor of Science - Middle Level Education in Social Studies and Language Arts (5001) - Social Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Business Economics (724)
    Bachelor of Science - Middle Level Education in Social Studies and Language Arts (5001) - Social Studies and Language Arts
    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science (554)
    Bachelor of Science - Middle Grades Mathematics (730)
    Bachelor of Science - Physics (754)
    Bachelor of Science - Middle School Science (734)
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies (792)
    Bachelor of Arts - Art History (613)
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts (514) - Graphic Design
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Performing Arts (588) - Acting
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts (514) - Studio
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Performing Arts (588) - Musical Theatre
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Performing Arts (588) - Theatre Design and Technology
    Bachelor of Arts - Corporate and Organizational Communication (522)
    Bachelor of Science - Physical Education (587) - Teacher Education
    Bachelor of Arts - History (695)
    Bachelor of Science - Recreation Administration (589) - Recreation and Tourism
    Bachelor of Arts - Advertising (727)
    Bachelor of Science - Recreation Administration (589) - Facility and Event Management
    Bachelor of Arts - Broadcasting (726)
    Bachelor of Science - Recreation Administration (589) - Nonprofit Administration
    Bachelor of Arts - Film (667)
    Bachelor of Science - Recreation Administration (589) - Outdoor Recreation
    Bachelor of Arts - Photojournalism (750)
    Bachelor of Science - Recreation Administration (589) - Recreation and Sport Services
    Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies (769)
    Bachelor of Science - Science and Mathematics Education (774)
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (686)
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish (778)
    Bachelor of Science - Special Education (5003) - Learning and Behavioral Disorders and Elementary Education
    Bachelor of Science - Accounting (602)
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Economics (731)
    Bachelor of Science - Entrepreneurship (542)
    Bachelor of Science - Management (723) - Business Administration
    Bachelor of Science - Management (723) - Human Resource/Personnel Management
    Bachelor of Science - International Business (569) - Global Entrepreneurship
    Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education (527)
    Bachelor of Science - Dental Hygiene (524)
    Bachelor of Science - Health Information Management (529)
    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management and Dietetics (707)
    Bachelor of Science - Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising (531) - Interior Design
    Bachelor of Science - Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising (531) - Fashion Merchandising
    Bachelor of Science - Sport Management (572)
    Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work (594)
    Bachelor of Science - Nursing (586)
    Bachelor of Science - Biology (617) - 2nd Major or Minor Required
    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering (534)
    Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering (537)
    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering (543)
    Bachelor of Science - Business Data Analytics (504)
    Bachelor of Science - Architectural Science (518)
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science (747)
    Bachelor of Arts - Paralegal Studies (5002)
    Bachelor of Science - Geological Sciences (5008) - Geology
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science (629) - General
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (623) - General Chemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry (519)
    Bachelor of Science - Construction Management (533)
    Bachelor of Arts - International Affairs (702)
    Bachelor of Science - Public Health (521)

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 71
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 61
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (USD)$ 75
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 27,144
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Master of Science - Mathematics (085) - Computational Mathematics (MACM)
    Master of Science - Mathematics (085) - Mathematical Economics (MAME)
    Master of Business Administration - Business Adminstration (057) - Business Data Analytics
    Master of Business Administration - Business Adminstration (057) - Six Sigma/Lean Management
    Master of Business Administration - Business Adminstration (057) - Cyber Security Management
    Master of Arts - Folk Studies (069) - Public Folklore
    Master of Arts - Folk Studies (069) - Historic Preservation
    Master of Arts - Folk Studies (069) - Museum Studies
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education, Birth to Primary, for Initial Certification (0460)
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Middle Grades Education for Initial Certification (0458) - Alternate Route to Certification Concentration
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Middle Grades Education for Initial Certification (0458) - Standard Concentration
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Secondary Education for Initial Certification (0495) - Alternate Route to Certification Concentration
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Secondary Education for Initial Certification (0495) - Standard Concentration
    Master of Arts - Education - Student Affairs in Higher Education (145)
    Master of Science - Nursing (149) - Master Entry Professional Nursing (MEPN)
    Graduate Certificate - Addictions Education (0492)
    $14,295.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Advanced Behavior Management (1736)
    $14,295.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Brewing and Distilling Arts & Sciences (0486)
    $15,725.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Economic Data Analytics (0491)
    $11,436.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Epidemiology (1751)
    $11,436.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Global Health Administration (1735)
    $14,295.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Health Education (0494)
    $11,436.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Local Government Administration (1745)
    $11,436.00 USD
    Graduate Certificate - Scientific Data Analytics (0496)
    $11,436.00 USD
    Master of Science - Psychology (0469) - Industrial/Organization
    Master of Arts - Psychology (092) - Clinical
    Master of Science - Computer Science (117) - Net-Centric
    Master of Science - Chemistry (059) - Biochemistry Thesis
    Master of Science - Chemistry (059) - Research Intensive Thesis
    Master of Music - Music (0453) - Conducting (MUCN)
    Master of Music - Music (0453) - Pedagogy (MUPD)
    Master of Arts - Applied Economics (0410) - Mathematical Methods
    Master of Arts in Education - Counseling (043) - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
    Master of Arts in Education - Counseling (043) - Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling
    Master of Fine Arts - Creative Writing (0478) - Composition and Rhetoric
    Master of Fine Arts - Creative Writing (0478) - Literature
    Master of Fine Arts - Creative Writing (0478) - Teaching English as a Second Language
    Master of Arts - Folk Studies (069) - Research Thesis
    Master of Science - Homeland Security Sciences (0413)
    Master of Science - Mathematics (085) - General Mathematics (MAGN)
    Master of Science - Computer Science (117)
    Master of Science - Chemistry (059) - General Thesis
    Master of Science - Recreation and Sport Administration (095) - General (RECG)
    Master of Science - Kinesiology (0484) - Exercise Physiology (KIEP)
    Master of Public Health - Public Health (152)
    Master of Health Administration (153) - Health Administration
    Master of Arts - Organizational Communication (0012)
    Master of Arts - English (067)
    Master of Public Administration - Public Administration (051)
    Master of Business Administration - Business Adminstration (057) - Supply Chain Management
    Master of Accountancy (0445)
    Master of Arts - Applied Economics (0410)
    Graduate Certificate - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (0416)
    $15,248.00 USD

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission
    Other test requirements: GRE Test required
    Min GRE requirement: (Min Verbal & Quantitative combined: 300.0)

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (USD)$ 95
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 17,154
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치

숙박 옵션

  • 웨스턴 켄터키 대학교는 캠퍼스 내에 15개의 기숙사를 제공합니다. 피어스 포드 타워 (PFT)나 반스 캠벨은 1년 내내 열려 있기 때문에 대부분의 ESLI 학생들은 이곳에 거주합니다. PTF는 캠퍼스 남쪽 끝에 위치한 27층의 여학생 기숙사 입니다. 건물은 1970년에 건축되었고, 켄터키 내의 가장 높은 기숙사 입니다. PFT는 2009년에 새롭게 단장되었으며, TV 라운지와 학생센터가 제공됩니다. 반스 캠벨은 1966년에 지어진 9층의 남학생 기숙사 입니다. 2003년에 개조되었으며, 활동센터 건너편 캠퍼스의 남쪽 끝에 위치하고 있습니다.


  • WKU의 캠퍼스는 볼링 그린이 내다보이는 언덕에 위치해 있으며, 인구는 약 60,000명 입니다. 테네시주의 내쉬빌까지 차로 약 1시간 걸리며, 루이스빌의 남부까지는 차로 2시간 소요됩니다. WKU는 미국에서 가장 아름다운 캠퍼스 중 하나로 알려져 있습니다. 학생들은 뚜렷한 4계절과 1년 내내 온화한 기후를 즐길 수 있습니다.


  • 웨스턴 켄터키 대학교는 25만평의 부지 위에 메인 캠퍼스와 66개의 주요 건물이 있으며, 90만평의 대학 농장이 있습니다. 총 학생 수는 18,000명 정도이며, 학생들은 미 전역 그리고 46개 이상의 다양한 나라의 출신입니다.


  • 이 대학교에서 학생들은 50개이상의 스포츠클럽, 기숙사 생활, 학문적으로 공인된 컴퓨터 과학 프로그램과 그 외 다양한 프로그램에 참여 할 수 있습니다.


  • 총학생수175,
    1%의 한국학생들과 보스니아 - 헤르체고비나, 브라질, 중국, 콜롬비아, 프랑스, 이라크, 요르단, 사우디 아라비아, 대만, 터키, UAE, 베트남


FAQ 질문

Image 2015-10-01 13:55:28


Q: 您好,感謝您的提問。關於西肯塔基大學的密集英語課程分為以下幾點跟您說明。 課程內容的部分包括聽力,閱讀,口語/發音,作文,詞彙和語法的課程。聽力班,學生將於課堂教室內外,使用多種方是來練習聽力技巧。至於口語/發音,學生可以在各種場合發言並獲得信心。學生們將舒適地隨意交談,正式對話,課堂報告,等等。在閱讀課程中,將培養學生一流的閱讀練習和個性化的閱讀計劃。在作文課程中,學生們將夠過指導練習書寫基本段落。然後學習研究,整理並撰寫研究論文。語法教學中包含聽力,口語,閱讀,寫作的範圍。

A: 剛剛看網站上有介紹英語密集課程的介紹,但還是想請問可以再詳細解說關於課程的主要內容和架構,以及課程進行的方式嗎? 


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Image 2015-10-01 13:48:14

Timothy Wu




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