연수전문 고객센터문의

노스이스턴 대학교

국가검색 미국

학교평가 (0)

노스이스턴 대학교

Northeastern University

Global Pathways
할인 및 장학제도 사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 19900명
  • 공항마중
  • 가능
  • 연락처
  • +1 213 452 5800
  • 팩스
  • +1 213 892 1360
  • 주소
  • 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115

추천 포인트

  • 대도시
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 학교 밖 숙박시설
  • 대학 프로그램
  • 조건부 대학입학 가능


  • - 전 세계의 다양한 교육 과정으로 영어 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 되는 카플란 인터내셔널 어학원
    - 학생들을 위해 가장 좋은 경험을 제공하는 학교 시설들
    - 친화적이고 안락한 도시인 보스턴에서의 흥미로운 생활
    - 전문적이고 친근하며 도움이 되는 직원과 교사진
    - 소수정예 수업과 최신 정보

Global Pathways 관하여

  • 노스이스턴 대학교는 학생들이 인생의 성취를 경험하며 국제적 수준에 맞는 지식을 창조하고 해석할 수 있도록 교육하는 데 있어서 최선의 노력을 다하여 왔습니다. 노스이스턴은 이러한 목표를 위하여 전략을 수립하여 지속적으로 추진하여 왔습니다. 그 결과 전 세계에서 온 노스이스턴의 학생들은 진취적이며 성취감있는 학업 분위기를 만들었으며, 이를 통해 일곱개의 대륙에서의 전문적인 경험과 수업에서의 지식을 융합할 수 있는 학습환경이 조성되었습니다. 이뿐 아니라 2010년 이후 임명된 학장들은 창조적 비전과 혁신적 사고를 가지고 해당 학부와 단과대학들을 이끌었습니다. 교수진도 이에 동참하여 새로운 분야의 지식 선두주자로서의 사명을 다하고 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Regulatory Compliance (Optional Co-op)
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Medical Device Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Economic Analysis
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Economic Entrepreneurship
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Data Analytics
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Financial Economics
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Human Resources Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Public and Media Relations
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Leadership
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Project Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Social Media & Online Communities
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Cross-Cultural Communication
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - 3D Animation
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Digital Media Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Digital Video
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Game Design
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Interactive Design
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Social Media
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Global Health and Development
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Conflict Resolution
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Diplomacy
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - International Economics and Consulting
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Global Student Mobility
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Health Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Human Resources Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Non-Profit Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Organizational Communication
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Project Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Sport and Social Change
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Statistical Modelling
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Nonprofit Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Evidence-Based Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Informational Design
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Information Security Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Bioengineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Geographic Information Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Civil and Environmental Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Analytics
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Human-Centered Informatics
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Cloud Computing Application and Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Clinical Research Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering Leadership
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Energy Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Engineering Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Engineering and Public Policy
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Regulatory Compliance (Optional Co-op)
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Environmental Engineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Medical Device Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Business Ventures
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Information Systems
    Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Finance
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Operations Research
    Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals
    Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Human Resources
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Sustainable Building Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Business Ventures
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Computer Systems Engineering - Software Design
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Finance
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Applied Mathematics
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Biotechnology
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Human Resources
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Computer Science
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Business Ventures
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Information Assurance
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Finance
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Enterprise Intelligence - AI for Human Resources
    Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Statistical Modeling
    Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Evidence-Based Management
    Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Information Design
    Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - 3D Animation
    Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Digital Media Management
    Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Digital Video
    Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Game Design
    Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Interactive Design
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Economics
    Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Social Media
    Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Information Security Management
    Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Geographic Information Systems
    Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Analytics
    Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Human-Centered Informatics
    Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Cloud Computing Application and Management
    Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Economic Analysis
    Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Economic Entrepreneurship
    Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Data Analytics
    Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Financial Economics
    Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Human Resources Management
    Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Public and Media Relations
    Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Leadership
    Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Project Management
    Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Social Media
    Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Cross-Cultural Communication
    Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Global Health and Development
    Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Conflict Resolution
    Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Diplomacy
    Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - International Economics and Consulting
    Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Global Student Mobility
    Master of Science - Leadership - Health Management
    Master of Science - Leadership - Human Resources Management
    Master of Science - Leadership - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    Master of Science - Leadership - Nonprofit Management
    Master of Science - Leadership - Organizational Communication
    Master of Science - Leadership - Project Management
    Master of Science - Leadership - Sport and Social Change
    Master of Science - Nonprofit Management - Global Studies
    Master of Science - Nonprofit Management - Human Services
    Master of Science - Nonprofit Management - Leadership
    Master of Science - Nonprofit Management - Organizational Communication
    Master of Science - Nonprofit Management - Project Management
    Master of Science - Nonprofit Management - Social Media and Online Communication
    Master of Science - Nonprofit Management - Sport and Social Change
    Master of Science - Project Management - Agile Project Management
    Master of Science - Project Management - Clinical Trial Design
    Master of Science - Project Management - Construction Management
    Master of Science - Project Management - Geographic Information Systems
    Master of Science - Project Management - Information Security Management
    Master of Science - Project Management - Leadership
    Master of Science - Project Management - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    Master of Science - Project Management - Organizational Communication
    Master of Science - Project Management - Program and Portfolio Management
    Master of Science - Project Management - Project Business Analysis
    Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Clinical Research Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Medical Device Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Quality Assurance and Compliance (Optional Co-op)
    Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs for Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices - Non-Clinical Biomedical Product Regulation (Optional Co-op)
    Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Arts - Economics
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science Regulatory Affairs - Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Nonprofit Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Bioengineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Civil and Environmental Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Data Analytics Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering Leadership
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Energy Systems
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Engineering Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Clinical Trial Design
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Engineering and Public Policy
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Construction Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Environmental Engineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Geographic Information Systems
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Information Security Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Leadership
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Information Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Organizational Communication
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Operations Research
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Clinical Trial Design
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Construction Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Sustainable Building Systems
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Geographic Information Systems
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Information Security Management
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Leadership
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - International Business
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Finance
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Project Management - Organizational Communication
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Law (LLM)
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Applied Mathematics
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Biotechnology
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Computer Science
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Information Assurance
    2-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Science
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Economic Analysis
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Economic Entrepreneurship
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Data Analytics
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Commerce and Economic Development - Financial Economics
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Human Resources Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Public and Media Relations
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Leadership
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Project Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Social Media & Online Communities
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Corporate and Organizational Communication - Cross-Cultural Communication
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - 3D Animation
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Digital Media Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Digital Video
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Game Design
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communications, Control, and Signal Processing
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Interactive Design
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Computer Networks and Security
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Digital Media - Social Media
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Computer Systems and Software
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Global Health and Development
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Algorithms
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Conflict Resolution
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electromagnetics, Plasma, and Optics
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Diplomacy
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Microsystems, Materials, and Devices
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - International Economics and Consulting
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Power Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Global Studies and International Relations - Global Student Mobility
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Health Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Human Resources Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Non-Profit Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Organizational Communication
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Project Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Leadership - Sport and Social Change
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Statistical Modelling
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Evidence-Based Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Analytics - Informational Design
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Information Security Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Geographic Information Systems
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Leading and Managing Technical Projects
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Analytics
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Human-Centered Informatics
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Professional Studies - Informatics - Cloud Computing Application and Management
    1-Semester Pathway + Master of Science - Regulatory Affairs - Clinical Research Regulatory Affairs (Optional Co-op)

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79 (Min Writing: 20.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
    Min PTE overall: 53
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    1-Semester Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 74
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min PTE overall: 50
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission
    Other test requirements: GRE Test required
    Min GRE requirement: (Min Quantitative: 155.0)

    2-Semester Pathway 
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 74
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min PTE overall: 46
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

프로그램 일정

2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 25,066
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Bachelor's Completion - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Finance and Accounting Management

    Bachelor's Completion - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Information Technology

    Bachelor's Completion - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Leadership

    Bachelor's Completion - Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Management

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 2-Year Undergraduate Diploma
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79 (Min Writing: 20.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min PTE overall: 68
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

프로그램 일정

2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 27,180
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치

숙박 옵션

  • 학생 기숙사
    기숙사에서 생활 하는 것은 다른 국제 학생들과 만날수 있으며 보스턴 영어 어학원에서 공부하는 동안 도시를 탐험할 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다. 학생 기숙사는 스스로 일정을 만들고자 하는 학생들을 위해 홈스테이 보다 더 많은 독립성을 제공합니다.
    보스턴 중심에 있는 위치는 여행과 관광 모두 편리하게 해줍니다.
    -방 형태: 트윈, 싱글, 트리플 또는 쿼드 룸
    -최소 연령: 16세
    -식사 제공: 주 당 14식(하프 보드) 또는 직접 식사 준비

    홈스테이 숙박시설은 학생들이 미국 문화에 몰입하고자 한다면 적합합니다.매일 호스트 패밀리와 식사를 함께한다면 영어를 배우기에 좋은 방법인 편안하고 실생활에서 영어를 연습할 수 있습니다.
    -방 형태: 트윈 또는싱글
    -최소 연령: 16세
    -식사 제공: 주 당 14식


  • 보스턴의 유명한 백 베이 지역에 있는 멋있는 노스이스턴 캠퍼스의 보스턴 어학원에서 영어 과정을 참여해보세요! 여유롭고 활기찬 학생 타운의 현대적인 대학 시설들을 접해보세요. 노스이스턴 대학교는 아름다운 그린 가든으로 편안하고 현대적인 캠퍼스이며 예술 시설의 중심입니다. 카플란은 보스턴 노스이스턴 대학교에서 일반적인 영어 과정을 제공할 뿐만 아니라 대학교 학사 학위를 준비하는 대학 준비 과정 기회도 또한 제공하고 있습니다.


  • -컴퓨터 실
    -인터넷 접속과 학생 라운지
    -대화형식의 화이트보드
    -학생 기숙사
    -저희 사회 활동 구성원들로부터 만들어진 소셜 일정 이벤트
    -세계 수준의 학습 및 레크리에이션 시설
    -완전히 갖추어진 현대적인 교실
    -보스턴에서 가장 큰 도서관


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