연수전문 고객센터문의

이스트 앵글리아 대학교

국가검색 영국

학교평가 (0)

이스트 앵글리아 대학교

University of East Anglia

사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 120명
  • 공항마중
  • 가능
  • 연락처
  • +44 1603 592977
  • 팩스
  • 주소
  • University Dr, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ, UK

추천 포인트

  • 대도시
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 학교 밖 숙박시설
  • 대학 프로그램
  • 조건부 대학입학 가능


  • - 세계 상위 150개의 대학 중 하나입니다. (세계대학순위 2011-2012)
    - 가디언 대학 가이드 2013에서 영국 대학 중 17위로 선정되었습니다.
    - 학생들은 대학의 교육 및 레저시설을 모두 이용가능합니다.

INTO 관하여

  • INTO는 2006년 이래로 국제 학생들을 위한 ESL코스를 진행하고 있습니다. INTO는 대학 예비과정, 학부과정, 대학원 과정, 영어 연수 과정을 포함한 다양한 코스 선택을 제공합니다. 또, 대학 기반 연구 기지의 네트워크도 빠르게 성장하고 있으며 세계 수준의 교육 및 문화 경험을 국제 학생들에게 제공합니다. 과정은 효율적으로 편성되어있으며, 잊지 못할 경험들을 학생들에게 제공합니다.

이스트 앵글리아 대학교 관하여

  • 이스트 앵글리아 대학교는 정확이 50년 전에 설립되었으며, 지금의 캠퍼스에는 100개 이상의 국가에서 온 학생들이 있습니다. 대학은 세계 상위 150대학으로 선정되었고, 학생만족도 1위며, 영국에서 대학순위 17위에 자리매김하고 있습니다. 또, 학생들의 93.7%가 학업을 끝낸 후 6개월 이내에 취업 또는 진학합니다.


  • 모든 학생들을 위해 대학 진학을 보장합니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 수업 포커스 : 
    일반 영어 프로그램은 영국 문화를 배우면서 많은 사회적 직업적인 상황에서 의사 소통 능력을 개발하고자 하는 다양한 영어 수준의 학생들을 위한 5주 과정으로 구성되어 있습니다.

    수업목표, 장점 : 
    국제 학생들을 위해 특별히 학습 프로그램과 영어과정을 다양한 범위로 만들었습니다. 영국의 최고의 97개의 대학들은 INTO학생들에게 진학과정을 제공합니다. 선생님들의 훌륭한 학생 관리 및 지원이 있으며, 수업 시작일 옵션이 다양합니다. 

    커리큘럼 : 
    커리큘럼은 대학 예비 과정, 학부과정 및 대학원과정이 있습니다. 대학 예비 과정은 국제 재단을 통합하였고, 학생들은 졸업과 대학원 프로그램을 위해 힘쓰며, 학생들은 석사 또는 사전 박사 과정 또는 연구를 할 수 있습니다. 

프로그램 정보

수업 규모 18-20 Students 수업 기간 16 Weeks
수업 레벨 5 레벨 비자 정보 I-20 발행
최소 연령 16 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 특별히 없음

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 16주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (GBP)£ 50
학 비
16 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 5,100
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • International Foundation in Business, Economics, Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Philosophy and Politics

    International Foundation in Physical Sciences and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Chemistry - Chemistry with a Year Abroad

    International Foundation in Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Archaeology, Anthropology and Art History

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 36 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 4-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 32 (Min Reading: 3.0, Min Writing: 12.0, Min Listening: 2.0, Min Speaking: 11.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 4.5 (Min Reading: 4.5, Min Writing: 4.5, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    3-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 35 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 3.0, Min Speaking: 12.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 4.5, Min Speaking: 4.5)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 36주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
36 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 17,495
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Philosophy
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Philosophy and History
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Philosophy and Politics
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Philosophy, Politics and Economics with a Placement Year
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Philosophy, Politics and Economics with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physical Activity and Health
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physical Activity and Health with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physical Education
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physical Education with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physical Education, Sport and Health
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physical Education, Sport and Health with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physics
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physics with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Physiotherapy
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Politics
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Management
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Politics and Digital Cultures
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Economics
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Politics and Economics
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business, Finance and Economics
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Politics and Economics with a Placement Year
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business, Finance and Management
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Politics and Economics with a Year Abroad
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Business Management
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Psychology
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics and Finance
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Psychology with a Year Abroad
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accountancy
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Psychology with Placement Year
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    £15,235.00 GBP
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Business Management
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Social Psychology
    2 term pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics -Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Marketing and Management
    £15,235.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Social Psychology with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Social Psychology with Placement Year
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Society, Culture and Media
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Sociology
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Speech and Language Therapy
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Sports Development
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Sports Development with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Translation and Interpreting with Modern Languages (Double Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Translation, Media and Modern Language
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Translation, Media and Modern Language (3yr option)
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Translation, Media and Modern Languages (Double Honours)
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Accounting and Management
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Accounting and Finance with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Accounting and Finance with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Accounting and Management with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Accounting and Management with a Year in Industry
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    £18,495.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Actuarial Science
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Actuarial Science with a Year Abroad
    £20,200.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business, Finance and Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Actuarial Science with a Year in Industry
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business, Finance and Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - American and English Literature
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Business Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - American History
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics and Finance
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - American Literature with Creative Writing
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accountancy
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - American Studies
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Archaeology, Anthropology, and Art History
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Business Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Archaeology, Anthropology, and Art History, with a Year Abroad
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - Business, Management and Economics - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Marketing and Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Biochemistry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Development and the Environment with a Year Abroad
    £18,495.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Development and the Environment with Overseas Placement
    £18,495.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Development and the Environment
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Biochemistry with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with a Year Abroad
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Biological Sciences
    £20,200.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Anthropology with a Year Abroad
    £18,495.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Anthropology with Overseas Placement
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Biological Sciences with a Year Abroad
    £20,200.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Anthropology
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Biological Sciences with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Economics with a Year Abroad
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Biomedicine
    £20,200.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Economics with Overseas Placement
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Broadcast and Multimedia Journalism
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Analytics and Management
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Overseas Placement
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Analytics and Management with a Year Abroad
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Politics with a Year Abroad
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Analytics and Management with a Year in Industry
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Politics with Overseas Placement
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Business and Human Resource Management
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development with Politics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Business and Human Resource Management with a Year Abroad
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Business and Human Resource Management with a Year in Industry
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Media and International Development with a Year Abroad
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Economics
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Media and International Development with Overseas Placement
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Economics with a Placement Year
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One - International Development with Multimedia - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Media and International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Economics with a Year Abroad
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One Psychology - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Cognitive Psychology
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business, Finance and Economics
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One Psychology - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Developmental Psychology
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science - Business, Finance and Economics with a Placement Year
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One Psychology - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business, Finance and Economics with a Year Abroad
    3-Term Pathway - International Year One Psychology - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Social Psychology
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business, Finance, and Management
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business, Finance and Management with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business, Finance and Management with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Information Systems
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Business Information Systems with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Business Management
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Business Management with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Business Management with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Chemical Physics
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Chemistry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Cognitive Psychology
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Cognitive Psychology with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Cognitive Psychology with Placement Year
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Computational Psychology
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Computer Graphics, Imaging and Multimedia
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Computer Graphics, Imaging and Multimedia with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Computer Systems Engineering
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Computer Systems Engineering with a year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Computing Science
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Computing Science with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Culture, Literature and Politics
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Developmental Psychology
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Developmental Psychology with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Developmental Psychology with Placement Year
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Drama
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Drama and Creative Writing
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Ecology and Conservation
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Ecology and Conservation with a Year Abroad
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics and Finance
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics and Finance with a Placement Year
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics with a Placement Year
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics with Accountancy
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics with Accountancy with a Placement Year
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Economics with Accountancy with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Education
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Education with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Energy Engineering
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Energy Engineering with Environmental Management
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Engineering
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Engineering with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - English and American Literature
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - English Literature
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - English Literature and Drama
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - English Literature and Philosophy
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - English Literature with Creative Writing
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Environmental Sciences
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Environmental Sciences and International Development
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Environmental Sciences with a year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Film and Television Studies
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Film Studies and English Literature
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Geography
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Geography
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Geography and International Development
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Geography and International Development with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Geography and International Development with Overseas Placement
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Geography with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Geography with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Geology with Geography
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Geology with Geography with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Geophysics
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Geophysics with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History and Film Studies
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History and History of Art
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History and Politics
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History of Art
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History of Art and Literature
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History of Art with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - History of Art with Gallery & Museum Studies
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Intercultural Communication with Business Management
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Business Management
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Business Management with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Business Management with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - International Development and the Environment
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - International Development and the Environment with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - International Development and the Environment with Overseas Placement
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Anthropology
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Anthropology with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Anthropology with Overseas Placement
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Economics
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Economics with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Economics with Overseas Placement
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Overseas Placement
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Politics
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Politics with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Development with Politics with Overseas Placement
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Relations
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Relations and Modern History
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Relations and Modern Languages
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - International Relations and Politics
    Bachelor of Law (with Honours) - Law with American Law
    Bachelor of Law (with Honours) - Law with European Legal Systems
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Literature and History
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Marketing and Management
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Marketing and Management with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Marketing and Management with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Mathematics with a Year in Industry
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Media and International Development
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Media and International Development with a Year Abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Media and International Development with Overseas Placement
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Media Studies
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Meteorology and Oceanography
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Meteorology and Oceanography with a year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Modern History
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Modern Language - 3 year option with a year abroad
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Modern Language (Single Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Modern Language with Management Studies
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Modern Languages (Double Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - Modern Languages with Management Studies (Double Honours)
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Molecular Biology and Genetics
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Natural Sciences
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Natural Sciences with a Year Abroad
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Natural Sciences with a Year in Industry
    £20,200.00 GBP
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Nursing (Adult)
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Nursing (Children)
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Nursing (Learning Disability)
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Nursing (Mental Health)
    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - Occupational Therapy

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 1-Year Post-Secondary Certificate
    Min GPA: 60.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79 (Min Reading: 8.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 7.0, Min Speaking: 16.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (GBP)£ 20
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 15,900
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Accounting and Finance
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Agriculture and Rural Development
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Banking and Finance
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Management
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Climate Change and International Development
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Conflict, Governance and International Development
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Development Economics
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Development Practice
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Economics and International Relations
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Economics of International Finance and Trade
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Economics of Money, Banking and Capital Markets
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Education and Development
    Master of Science - Accounting and Finance
    £18,500.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Education Leadership and Management
    Master of Science - Advanced Computing Science
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Education, Learning, Pedagogy and Assessment
    Master of Science - Advanced Organic Chemistry
    £22,300.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Enterprise and Business Creation
    Master of Science - Advanced Professional Practice
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Environment and International Development
    Master of Arts - Agriculture and Rural Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Finance and Management
    Master of Arts - American Studies
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Gender Analysis of International Development
    Master of Science - Applied Ecology and Conservation
    £19,800.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Global Media Economics
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Globalisation Business and Sustainable Development
    Master of Science - Banking and Finance
    £18,500.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Human Resource Management
    Master of Science - Behavioural and Experimental Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Impact Evaluation for International Development
    Master of Arts - Biography and Creative Non-Fiction
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - International Accounting and Financial Management
    Master of Science - Brand Leadership
    £19,500.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - International Business Economics
    Master of Arts - Broadcast and Digital Journalism International
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - International Business, Finance and Economics
    Master of Arts - Broadcast and Digital Journalism UK
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Relations
    Master of Business Administration - Business Administration
    £19,950.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Security
    Master of Science - Business Management
    £18,000.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Social Development
    Master of Science - Climate Change
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Investment and Financial Management
    Master of Science - Climate Change and International Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Management
    Masters of Clinical Education - Clinical Education
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Marketing and Management
    Master of Science - Clinical Research
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Marketing
    Master of Research - Clinical Science
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Mathematics Education
    Master of Science - Cognitive Neuroscience
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media Culture and Society
    Master of Science - Competition Economics and Policy
    £17,215.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and Cultural Politics
    Master of Science - Computing Science
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and International Development
    Master of Arts - Conflict, Governance and International Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Operations and Logistics Management
    Master of Arts - Creative Writing Poetry
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Public Policy and Public Management
    Master of Arts - Creative Writing Prose Fiction
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Quantitative Financial Economics
    Master of Arts - Creative Writing Scriptwriting
    £16,400.00 GBP
    1-Semester Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Second Language Education
    Master of Arts - Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Data Science
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Development Economics
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Development Practice
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Developmental Science
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Digital Business and Management
    £18,500.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Early Modern History
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Postgraduate Diploma - Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Economics and International Relations
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Economics of International Finance and Trade
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Economics of Money, Banking and Capital Markets
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Education (Learning, Pedagogy, and Assessment)
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Education and Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Master of Science (PG) - Education Leadership and Management
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Energy Engineering with Environmental Management
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Enterprise and Business Creation
    £18,000.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Environment and International Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Environmental Assessment and Management
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Environmental Sciences
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Film Studies
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Film, Television and Creative Practice
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Finance and Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Finance and Management
    £18,000.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Gender Analysis in International Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Gender Studies
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Master of Science (PG) - Global Business Management
    £18,000.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Global Intercultural Communication
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Global Media Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Globalisation, Business and Sustainable Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Health Economics
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - History of Art
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Human Resource Management
    £18,000.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Impact Evaluation for International Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Laws - Information, Technology and Intellectual Property Law
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - International Accounting and Financial Management
    £18,000.00 GBP
    Master of Science - International Business Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Science - International Business, Finance and Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    Master of Laws - International Commercial and Business Law
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Accounting and Finance
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Laws - International Commercial and Competition Law
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - International Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Agriculture and Rural Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - International Relations
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Banking and Finance
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - International Security
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - International Social Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Climate Change and International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Laws - International Trade Law
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Conflict, Governance and International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Investment and Financial Management
    £18,000.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Development Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Landscape History
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Development Practice
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Laws - Law
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Economics and International Relations
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Literary Translation
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Economics of International Finance and Trade
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Management
    £18,500.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Economics of Money, Banking and Capital Markets
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Marketing
    £18,000.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Education and Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Marketing and Management
    £18,000.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Education Leadership and Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Mathematics Education
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Education, Learning, Pedagogy and Assessment
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Media and Cultural Politics
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Enterprise and Business Creation
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Media and International Development
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Environment and International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Laws - Media Law, Policy and Practice
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Finance and Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Media, Culture and Society
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Gender Analysis of International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Medieval and Early Modern Textual Cultures, 1381-1688
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Global Media Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Medieval History
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Globalisation Business and Sustainable Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Modern and Contemporary Writing
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Human Resource Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Modern History
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Impact Evaluation for International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Molecular Medicine
    £19,800.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - International Accounting and Financial Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science Business Analytics and Management
    £18,500.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - International Business Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Occupational Therapy
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - International Business, Finance and Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Operations and Logistics Management
    £18,500.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Relations
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Research - Philosophy
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Security
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Philosophy and Literature
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Social Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Physiotherapy (pre-registration)
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Investment and Financial Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Plant Genetics and Crop Improvement
    £19,800.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Public Policy and Public Management
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Marketing and Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Quantitative Financial Economics
    £17,215.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Marketing
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Second Language Education
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Mathematics Education
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Research - Social Science Research Methods
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media Culture and Society
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and Cultural Politics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - The Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and International Development
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Theatre Directing (Text and Production)
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Operations and Logistics Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Comics Studies
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Public Policy and Public Management
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Master of Science (PG) - Cyber Security
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Science - Quantitative Financial Economics
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Arts - Master of Arts (PG) - Interdisciplinary Japanese Studies
    £16,400.00 GBP
    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - Transfer to Master of Arts - Second Language Education
    £18,495.00 GBP
    Master of Laws - International Commercial Dispute Resolution
    £16,400.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Natural Product Drug Discovery
    £19,800.00 GBP
    Master of Science - Social and Applied Psychology
    £16,400.00 GBP

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 60 (Min Reading: 8.0, Min Writing: 21.0, Min Listening: 7.0, Min Speaking: 17.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 11,995
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치

숙박 옵션

  • 3가지 옵션 : 특별히 만들어진 INTO 센터 캠퍼스, 엄선된 홈 스테이, INTO 교내 기숙사.


  • 이스트 앵글리아의 아름다운 한적한 시골마을에 위치하고 있습니다. 도시는 역사와 문화 그리고 훌륭한 시내를 갖고 있습니다. 학생들은 도심에 위치한 노퍽브로즈 또는 상점들 구경 할 수 있고, 이스트 앵글리아는 학생들을 위한 다양한 체험거리들을 갖고 있습니다.


  • 헬스, 농구, 배구, 배드민턴 및 도지 볼, 수영 경기장, 남.여 락커룸, 도서관, 기숙사, 등이 있습니다.


  • 대학은 사교, 예술, 스포츠 참여 등의 다양한 활동 옵션들을 제공합니다. 또한, 학생들이 영국에서 있는 시간을 최대한 활용 할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 정기적인 액티비티 프로그램을 구성하였습니다. 프로그램은 흥미로운 노리치와 영국의 동쪽 여행 뿐만 아니라 영화관과 연극장에도 방문합니다.


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