연수전문 고객센터문의

런던 시티 대학교

국가검색 영국

학교평가 (0)

런던 시티 대학교

City University London

사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 120명
  • 공항마중
  • 가능
  • 연락처
  • +44 1273 876040
  • 팩스
  • 주소
  • 102 Cobb St, London, Greater London E1 7EZ, US

추천 포인트

  • 대도시
  • 홈스테이
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 학교 밖 숙박시설
  • 대학 프로그램


  • - 세계 대학의 상위 5% (세계대학 순위 2011-2012)
    - 영국에서 최고 수준의 대학원 10위권 내 랭크(선데이 타임즈 대학가이드 2012)
    - INTO도시기반 프로그램은 Cass비지니스 스쿨로 입학 할 수 있는 유일한 국제 교류 프로그램입니다.
    - 수준 높은 개개인 케어 서비스

INTO 관하여

  • INTO는 2006년 이래로국제 학생들을 위한 ESL코스를 진행하고 있습니다. INTO는대학 예비과정, 학부과정, 대학원 과정, 영어 연수 과정을 포함한 다양한 코스 선택을 제공합니다. 또, 대학 기반 연구 기지의 네트워크도 빠르게 성장하고 있으며 세계 수준의 교육 및 문화 경험을 국제 학생들에게제공합니다. 과정은 효율적으로 편성되어있으며, 잊지 못할경험들을 학생들에게 제공합니다.

    INTO는 빠르게 성장하는 대학 기반의 연구 센터 네트워크로 영국, 미국 및 중국의 학부 및 대학원 학위를 위한 새롭고 높은 수준의 준비 표준을 제공합니다. 본교는 국제 학생들에게 세계적 수준의 대학에서 교육 목표를 달성하고 학업적 성공을 달성할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. INTO Centers는 세계 최고의 대학의 자원과 주요 독립 투자를 결합하여 유학생에게 세계 수준의 교육 및 문화 경험을 제공하며, 대학 학위 과정으로의 빠르고 효과적이고 확실한 진학을 통해 잊을 수 없는 경험을 제공합니다. 성공할 수 있는 실질적인 기회를 만들기 위한 노력의 일환으로 전 세계 유학생들을 위한 다양한 장학금을 제공합니다.

런던 시티 대학교 관하여

  • 세계 대학의 상위 5%에 랭크되었으며, 또한 대학원은 영국내에서 상위 10위 권 내입니다. INTO도시기반 프로그램은 Cass비지니스 스쿨로 입학 할 수 있는 유일한 국제 교류 프로그램입니다. 

    또한 City University London 굉장히 글로벌한 대학입니다. 무려 150개국 이상에서 17,000 명의 학생이 있고, 이러한 국제학생들을 돕기 위해서 50 개국에서 직원들을 고용하였습니다.

    City University London은 최고 품질의 교육을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 이것은 세계적인 교수진의 연구와 대학의 광범위한 비즈니스 및 직업과의 제휴에 의해 뒷받침됩니다. 강사와 교수는 학생의 경험에 있어서 중요한 역할을 수행할 것입니다. 학생 및 연구자들은 전례 없는 지원과 시설을 바탕으로 흥미롭고 보람찬 학습에 전념하고 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 수업포커스
    이 코스는 영어 말하기와 쓰기 실력 향상 뿐만 아니라 지식 습득과 자신감 증진, 교육에 관련된 중요한 스킬을 배우게 됩니다.

    수업의 목표, 장점:
    - 언어능력 향상
    - 아카데믹 영어 말하기 듣기 스킬
    - 아카데믹 글쓰기
    - 아카데믹 읽기와 공부 스킬

    열심히 노력하고 열심히 공부하는 학생은 이 집중 과정을 통해 학기당 최대 1개의 IELTS 포인트를 빠르게 진급할 수 있습니다. 
    2017년 12월에 Academic English 학기를 마친 INTO 학생들은 IELTS band progress에서 평균 0.8점을 얻었습니다.
    - 학습 시간 30시간, 대면 접촉 25시간, 교사 지원 온라인 언어 개발 5시간.
    - Cambridge Assessment와 협력하여 개발된 맞춤형 온라인 평가를 통해 진행 상황을 정확하게 모니터링 할 수 있습니다.
    - 대화식 수업과 소규모 학급의 혜택을 누리십시오.
    - 수강을 확정하면 온라인 교육 준비 과정인 INTO Get Ready for English에 액세스하십시오.

프로그램 정보

수업 규모 15 Students 수업 기간 12 Weeks
비자 정보 입학허가서 발급 최소 연령 16
숙박 옵션 홈스테이, 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • IELTS 3.0 (최소 쓰기 점수 3.0) 나 비슷한 다른 공식 영어점수

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 12주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비 (GBP)£ 25
학 비
12 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 4,430
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설
Weekly (GBP)£ 160-260 (GBP)£ 796-3108 (GBP)£ 1000-3720


공항 마중 (GBP)£ 130


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Law
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Law
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Actuarial Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Banking and International Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Marketing
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Investment and Financial Risk Management
    TUITION FEE£15,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Banking and International Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Marketing
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Investment and Financial Risk Management
    TUITION FEE£18,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Banking and International Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Business with Marketing
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Accounting - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Investment and Financial Risk Management
    TUITION FEE£20,995.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Economics with Accounting
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Financial Economics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Extended International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Business and Economics with Society and Culture - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Finance and Actuarial Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics and Finance
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Mathematics with Finance and Economics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - English
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - History
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Journalism
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Politics and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Media, Communication and Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Sociology with Psychology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Speech and Language Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 홈스테이, 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 4-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 35 (Min Writing: 12.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 4.5, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

    3-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 46 (Min Writing: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

    2-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 60 (Min Writing: 18.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Writing: 5.5)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 15,995
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Humanities and Law - Transfer to Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Criminology
    TUITION FEE£20,000.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Cyber Security
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science with Cyber Security
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Computer Science - Transfer to Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£17,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

    4-Term Pathway - Extended International Foundation Year - Engineering and Mathematics - Transfer to Master of Engineering (Honours) - Engineering
    TUITION FEE£19,495.00 GBP

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 홈스테이, 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 4-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 35 (Min Writing: 12.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 4.5, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

    3-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 46 (Min Writing: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 4.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 17,495
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - International Business Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Project Management, Finance and Risk
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Systems Analysis and Design
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Cyber Security
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Human-Computer Interaction Design
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Information Science
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Library Science
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Software Engineering
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Criminal Litigation
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - European Commercial Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Banking and Financial Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Business Law (distance learning)
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Commercial Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Economic Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Energy Law and Regulation
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Human Rights
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Maritime Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Master of Laws
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Professional Advocacy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Public International Law
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures (Nuclear Power Plants)
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Construction Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Maritime Operations and Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Renewable Energy and Power Systems Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Creative Writing and Publishing
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Culture, Policy and Management
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Creative Industries
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Communications and Development
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics and Human Rights
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and Communications
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Publishing/International Publishing
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Economic Evaluation in Healthcare
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Food Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Policy
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Research Methods
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Creative Writing and Publishing
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Culture, Policy and Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Creative Industries
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Political Economy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Communications and Development
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - International Politics and Human Rights
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Media and Communications
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Arts - Publishing/International Publishing
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Economic Evaluation in Healthcare
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Food Policy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Policy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and Arts - Transfer to Master of Science - Research Methods
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    3-Term Pathway - International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£16,750.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering Structures (Nuclear Power Plants)
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Construction Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Maritime Operations and Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering - Transfer to Master of Science - Renewable Energy and Power Systems Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Criminal Litigation
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Dispute Resolution
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - European Commercial Law
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Banking and Financial Law
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Commercial Law
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Economic Law
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Energy Law and Regulation
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - International Human Rights
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Maritime Law
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Master of Laws
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Professional Advocacy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Law - Transfer to Master of Laws - Public International Law
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Systems Analysis and Design
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Games Technology
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Cyber Security
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Human-Computer Interaction Design
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Information Science
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Library Science
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Informatics - Transfer to Master of Science - Software Engineering
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Business Economics
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Economics
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Management
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Health Policy
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - International Business Economics
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

    2-Term Pathway - Accelerated International Graduate Diploma in Economics - Transfer to Master of Science - Project Management, Finance and Risk
    TUITION FEE£11,250.00 GBP

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 홈스테이, 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 2-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 60 (Min Reading: 8.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 7.0, Min Speaking: 16.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

    3-Term Pathway
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 46 (Min Reading: 4.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 4.0, Min Speaking: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min PTE overall: 51 (Min Listening: 51, Min Reading: 51, Min Speaking: 51, Min Writing: 51)
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 40
    Min IELTS overall: 5

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(GBP)£ 11,250
Week Week Week Week Week


기간 홈스테이 학교 내 기숙사/숙박 학교 밖 숙박시설


공항 마중


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치

숙박 옵션

  • INTO의 학생 기숙사는 자연경관이 아름다운 공원 캠퍼스에 위치하고 있으며, 학생들은 캠퍼스 시설을 모두 도보로 이동할 수 있는 거리에서 지내게 됩니다. 또, 학생들은 쉽게 새로운 친구들을 만날 수 있으며 다른 학생들과 긴밀한 사회적 유대감을 형성 할 수 있는 여러 이점을 갖습니다. 많은 학생들의 경우, 공동 생활은 그들의 학교생활에서 잊을 수 없는 경험이 될 것입니다. 홈스테이 옵션은 학생들에게 “내 집”과 같은 편안함을 줍니다. INTO는 런던에 걸쳐 다양한 옵션을 가지고 있습니다. 학생들은 홈스테이에서 가족의 한 구성원으로, 식사를 함께 하며, 화장실, 세탁시설등과 같이 모든 다른 시설을 가족들과 함께 이용합니다. 우리의 홈스테이 주인가족들은 학생들이 런던에 정착하고 적응 할 수 있도록 적극적으로 돕습니다.


  • 런던은 의심 할 여지없이 세계에서 가장 역동적인 도시이고 세계사람들에게 사랑 받는 도시이며 동시에 학생들에게 흥미로운 곳입니다. 미디어, 패션, 스포츠, 미술, 음악, 역사, 정치, 글로벌, 이벤트 등의 중심에 있습니다. 250개 이상의 국적이 이 도시의 인구를 구성하고 있으며, 런던은 모두를 위한 특별함을 갖고 있는 진정한 글로벌 도시입니다.


  • INTO에 입학하면 폭 넓은 사람을 만나고 편의시설을 이용하게 될겁니다. INTO City University London 은 학생들이 운영하는 동아리만 50개 가 넘습니다. 배드민턴, 체스, 드라마, 아라비안 문화 동아리등 다양한 동아리들이 있습니다.

    이런 동아리들은 보통 학기 시작후 (9월/10월)에 접수 마감을 끝내지만 언제든지 가입하는것은 가능합니다.


  • 다양한 국적과 문화적 배경을 가진 전 세계의 학생들이 새로운 환경에서 영어를 공부하기 위해 INTO City University London을 선택합니다. 영어 공부 뿐만 아니라, 영국 문화와 생활 그리고 역사지식 등 다양한 경험을 위해 이 학교를 선택하기도 합니다.


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